Chapter 12- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 6 weeks

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I woke up this morning excited and full of joy! I was finally 6 weeks pregnant and our ultrasound was in two days!  I was going to see Piper today and we were going to go shopping for Pregnancy/Baby items. Percy and I were currently debating over if we wanted to find out the gender of the baby before or after the baby was born. I really wanted to be surprised, While Percy wanted to know the gender.

I grabbed a grapefruit and a cereal bar out of the kitchen, and my keys. I then ran out to my car, It had been raining in New York for the past week. I started my car and headed over to Piper's place as I thought about names that I liked.

Percy thought that it was way to early to be thinking of these things, but I didn't. I had to have everything planned out before this baby came into the world. I knew that Percy and I would be naming the baby, Luka if it was a boy (Luke for short) In honor of Luke, because he died a hero. Percy was a little hesitant to the idea of this name but, I loved it.

We had no idea what we would do if it was a girl, I really liked the names; Maura (which means Wished-for Child), Nevaeh (Heaven spelled back words), and Milada (Milada means my love in Czetch). I wanted something unique and something that has a meaning.

I arrived at Piper's apartment right on time and since I felt a little Nauseous I decided to call her and ask her to come out and meet me at my car, so I didn't have to walk up the stairs, the elevator was broken.

I dialed her number into my Cell-phone and waited for her to pick up. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" She asked

"Hey," I said "Can you come out and meet me at my car? I'm feeling kind of Nauseous and I really don't want to walk up the stairs."

"Sure." She answered "I'll be there in a minute... Oh and Annabeth I have something exciting to tell you!" She exclaimed

"What?" I asked

"I'll tell you in the car!" She said and then hung up the phone

I hung up my phone, and wondered what Piper could possibly have to tell me. From the way she sounded it had to be good. I got interrupted as I saw Piper running out to my car with her purse in her hand, smiling.

She opened the car door and jumped in, looking like she had just won the lottery. Could that be what she's excited about?

"Oh my gods, Annabeth, oh my gods!" She exclaimed practically squeealing as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"What?" I asked, starting to really wonder if she had won the lottery.

"So last night, Jason he proposed to me!!" She exclaimed looking happier than I had ever seen her before.

"Oh wow, Piper!" I exclaimed, so happy for her; "Congratulations, how did he do it?"

"He just kneeled and then told me how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and asked me to marry him!" She exclaimed

"Wow Piper, do you know when the wedding is going to be?" I asked

"No" She said smiling "We haven't gotten that far yet, but I do know that I want the wedding to be in mid-april"

"Is your mother going to be planning it?" I asked

"I hope not." She said smiling, "but she probably will."

We got to the store and headed back to the baby section. I was leaning towards Percy's idea of finding out the gender because, it would be much easier buying clothes and toys.

As soon as we were back in the section We headed straight for the car seats and strollers. Percy and I had already agreed on getting a green car seat and stroller that we saw in a catalog so when we had other children we could re-use it since it's gender neutral.

Piper picked up the box for me and gently placed it in the cart that we had picked up on the way in. Percy and I had agreed to buy the big things today so that once we found out what we were having (if we did) we would only have to buy the little things (clothes, bibs, toys, bottles, blankets, etc...,). So today Piper and I would be picking up; the high-chair, crib, bassinet, play-yard, swing, bouncer, dresser, and bookshelf.

Percy and I wanted the theme of the nursery to be animals so we would be getting everything (bouncer, highchair, swins, play-yard) in gender-neutral animal themes and everything else (crib, bookshelf, dresser, bassinet) in white.

Soon we were back in my car and we had found everything that we needed. The things barely fit in my car and I was excited because when Percy got home, we could start putting some of the things together.

We already knew what room the nursery was going to be in and I was hoping soon it would be set up!

I was fantasizing about the baby when Piper got my attention. "Are you going to get a new car for the baby?" She asked "A family car?"

"I actually was thinking about that." I said "I really like the Santa-fe, but I'd have to talk to Percy about it."

We reached Piper's appartment and she got out and waved goodbye, I thought about how expensive a baby is.

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