Chapter 40- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 29 weeks

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First of all let me start out by saying this is my 40th chapter and I also recently hit 1000 reads on Becoming a Family, and almost 100 votes in total! This is insane, I never thought I would make it this far and I want to thank each of you personally! At the end of the chapter I will go into that a little bit deeper but thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around our bedroom, only to notice that Percy was no longer in our room. That surprised me because exactly 2 years ago Percy had proposed to me. I thought he might take the day off, but I understood if he had to work, and it was okay we could do something later. I sat up in bed and  moved out slowly, I felt huge. I was almost 30 weeks and my belly had been growing like crazy.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed a note on the counter, it read: Will be back by 4. Have a good day :) Percy. Nothing about our engagement.... nothing. Okay, so maybe it wasn't such a big deal, if it was our wedding anniversery that would be one thing but it wasn't, so I decided to get over it and move on.

I tried to look ahead and think about the things that I was excited about. Next week was my 30 week appoitment and the week after that Percy and I were painting the nursery even though we still hadn't decided on a color yet. I didn't need to worry about our engagement anniversary, even though we did celebrate it last year... but whatever things had changed and that was all I needed to think about!

I distracted myself for the rest of the day and tried to forget about the subject, but it was still on my mind. Why would Percy forget our engagement anniversary this year. I wanted to think that it was nothing but honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about it.  I had already sworn to myself over and over again that I wouldn't bring it up to Percy, but I was scared that I would.

Eventually the time hit and Percy came home, I heard him drag his bag through the door and walk into our bedroom. "Hey honey," He said and I faked a smile.

"How was your day at work?" I asked and he sighed.

"Pretty slow," He said and I was very hopeful that he would say something about our anniversary, "It was my friend's birthday so we surprised him with a cake but that was really the only interesting thing that happened." After those words left his mouth my heart dropped.

"Oh." I whispered plainly.

"Is something wrong?" He asked curiously, with anxiety in his tone.

"No. Nothing." I answered, "Maybe we should just get takeout tonight since nothing special is going on." I spat at him and the instantly regretted it.

"Okay, but before we do that in about 30 minutes I need you to come out in the driveway, there's something up with your car and I need you to sign for it since it's your's." he said, not even caring about the words that had just left my mouth, I wanted to think that was okay since he wasn't mad at me, but I couldn't. I wanted him to had done something for our engagement anniversary, anything. But he hadn't done a single thing. It was like he didn't remember it, or he didn't care and that hurt me.

I nodded and he left the room. I texted Piper on my phone and told her everything, she told me that everything would be fine but I didn't believe her. About 25 minutes later I walked outside to the surprise of a lifetime, that I couldn't believe I hadn't seen coming. A black limo sat in our driveway with a driver standing beside it, Percy was in a suit and I looked down at my outfit and felt bad. I was wearing a black short sleeved dress, it wasn't formal at all but where were we going?

"What?" I gasped.

"I wanted to surprise you," He said with a gleam in his eye, "Even though I was positive that you would see it coming."

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