Chapter 29- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 15 weeks

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Hey everyone! So before you start reading let me give you some exciting news! (Well for me anyways...) I'm finally out of Writer's block!! Yay! I have a lot of Ideas in my head and I'm excited to share them with you! This chapter isn't going to be extremely interesting but I feel like I owe you an update. Also I'm sorry for not writing about not writing about Annabeth's hospital stay, I just feel like I need to move up a week or we'll never get to the baby!! So here it goes, I'll talk to you at the end of the chapter, Hope you enjoy!!

I was walking out of the hospital with Percy by my side and our deceased baby in my hands. It had been a long and boring week and now I was 15 weeks pregnant. My baby bump had grown a little, but it broke my heart to know that I had been carrying two babies and now I was only carrying one. I was wearing a Black and white short sleeved maternity dress with a black bow above my baby bump.

We arrived at the car and Percy held the Passenger side door open for me. I had been ordered on bedrest for the rest of my Pregnancy and I was not looking forward to that, 2 weeks had been enough. How could I survive 25 weeks? I'd have to make it work though, I could make anything work if it was for my child.

I also had an ultrasound appoitment scheduled for 20 weeks and I still had kept the 4D ultrasound when I was 25 weeks, Percy still had no idea that I was doing this. I didn't know how I'd get him to drive me there yet, I couldn't drive either; until my baby was born. I honestly had been feeling pretty useless and I know I'd feel the same for the rest of this pregnancy.

I had taked a break from work, atleast until I had had my baby but I was still getting paid. I didn't know if I was going back to work yet because I had a dream of becoming a Stay at home mom but I didn't know if that would work out, If we woule be able to survive on Percy's salary only. Another thing that had been on my mind lately is how would I go shopping with Aphrodite if I was on strict bedrest? That wasn't really important but I was scared she would come up with something drastic. Knowing Aphrodite; she would.

We arrived in our driveway and I saw a car I hadn't seen in a while, Leo's car. I knew Percy knew what was going on because Leo couldn't have gotten in if he hadn't Percy could have left a key for Leo when he came back home to get things for me. I looked over at Percy and saw him smiling.

"You knew about this didn't you?" I asked, even though it was more of a statement; Percy nodded and I smiled, "Oh my gods Percy you're the best I can't wait to see him, we should go out and do something it's been so long!"

"You're on Bedrest remember." He asked quietly and he nodded, 25 weeks of sitting around and doing nothing. I thanked myself for the fact that I had a laptop and I could draft things on there, If I didn't have that I don't know what I would do.

"Okay, well let's go inside and see him!" I exclaimed trying to be optimistic even though I knew this would be the worst 25 weeks of my life.

We walked inside and I saw Leo sitting on the couch smiling as we walked in! "Hey guys!" He exclaimed and walked over to me and pulled me into a tight embrace, I then noticed the girl sitting on our couch. She had olive toned skin and black hair she looked shockingly beautiful. "This is Veronica," Leo said and gestured to the woman sitting on our sofa, "My girlfriend."

"Hi," I said and walked over to Veronica, "My name's Annabeth."

"Hi," She said and stood up smiling, "I've heard loads about you it's nice to finally meet you, And this must be Percy."

"I am." He said and smiled.

"I should be getting to bed." I said and realised than Veronica nor Leo knew nothing about this, "Bedrest," I explained, "I'm on it for the rest of my pregnancy."

"I'm sorry." Veronica said and she truly did look sorry.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"We came in to help." Leo said looking proud of himself, "Anything you need we'll be there for you, since Percy needs to go back into work soon and you need some help we'll be there. Consider us your maids, free service." He smiled.

"Thanks Leo." I said smiling.

With Leo to keep me company and Veronica to maybe become friends with I could make something out of this bedrest, I knew Piper, Britney and Cailin would come to visit me. Maybe this pregnancy bed rest thing wouldn't be so horrible after all.

No Cliffhanger and nothing interesting really happened but atleast Leo's finally in it! Also I may be gone a little longer than I thought I would be I probably will be gone from the 27-31 I'll miss writing for you guys but I promise to get started right away when I get back!  Next chapter will be up tomorrow and that's all for now. Bye!


 P.S.- Yes I know this is a very short chapter but I had very little to work with and It's getting late so I want to go watch NCIS and Rizzoli and Isles. I'm really going now so I'll talk to you later!!! Bye! (I mean it this time)

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