Chapter 24- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 12 weeks

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I ran out to my car and clicked the button on my key-pad, as I yanked the Drivers' seat open as Piper got into the passenger side, this couldn't be happening. It couldn't. This was a mistake, it had to be; the message was for someone else. But deep down I knew it wasn't the hospital had said my name and Percy's, all I could do was pray that he'd be okay. Before we had headed to the hospital I had gotten dressed in a Maternity outfit.

I was wearing a short sleeved blue Maternity shirt and a Pair of white Capris, they weren't Maternity because I didn't have to wear them yet, I was so small.

I felt like speeding, I just wanted and needed to see my husband, Percy had to be okay; he just had to be.

About an hour later, we arrived at the hospital and I ran over to the front desk. "Hi, my name is Annabeth Jackson I was called from the hospital saying that my husband, Percy Jackson was in the hospital, where can I find him?"

"He's on the third floor," The woman said, "He just got out of surgery."

"What?" I asked, shocked that they would keep this from me, "Why didn't you tell me this over the phone; this is my husband we're talking about!"

"We didn't have time to tell you over the phone," The woman said, looking like she was getting annoyed; and I hoped she was. "You can go see him on the third floor." The woman said and turned back to her computer.

"C'mon Annabeth." Piper said, attempting to pull me away; "Let's go see Percy, thank you for your help, Darlene." She said as she read the Woman's name tag.

We rushed over to the elevator and got into it, there was no one else inside. I held my head in my hands and inhaled deeply. "Gosh Piper, I have no idea what happened, I don't even know what type of accident he was in." I said.

"I'm sure he is okay." Piper said, but it wasn't convincing me; "They would have told you if he was in critical condition."

"I hope so." I whispered.

The elevator dinged and we were on the third floor I ran out and over to another front desk, I hoped the person at this one could give me more information on Percy.

I arrived at the front desk out of breath "I'm looking for Percy Jackson," I said, "I'm his wife Annabeth Jackson I would like to know what's going on, can you please tell me?" I asked and I knew that I wouldn't take no for an answer, she was going to tell me.

"He was in a car-accident." The nurse said and my heart dropped, I was hoping it was something more simple.

"Why did he need surgery?" I asked, "Do you no how long he's going to be here?"

"We don't know how long he's going to be here at the moment." She said, "The reason he needed surgery was he had a piece of glass in his arm and he's broken a leg." Mt heart sunk even lower-- if that was possible. 

"Can I see him?" I asked

"Yes." The nurse said, "He's in the first room on the left." She said and pointed to a door, I nodded and walked back towards the elevator.

Before I saw Percy I had to get Percy something from the gift-shop, A get well card maybe. Atleast he was okay and hadn't been hurt too bad. Piper followed me and we arrived at the first floor again and walked towards the gift shop.

I walked in and saw that a lot of the store's inventory had to do with babies, I placed my had on my stomach and imagened people coming in here and buying things for our baby, it wouldn't be that long. I headed over to a rack of cards and picked out a Card that said "Get well soon" on the front with some birds and the inside was blank.

I walked up to the register and paid for the card, Piper had waited beside the elevator. I walked back towards the elevator and saw Piper waiting. We rode back up the elevator and when we got to the third floor I pulled out a pen and sat down and Decided to fill out my card for Percy.

Dear Percy, I wrote; I love you so much, you're a strong man and I know you'll heal fast I'm always thinking about you. Love, Annabeth.

We walked towards Percy's room and I knocked softly "Come in," I heard a weak voice say.

I opened the door and I saw Percy smile when he saw me, but my heart dropped. He looked terrible, his arm was bandaged and he had a cast on his leg, he had a few bandaids on his face and he looked very weak.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him as I walked over and kissed his forehead.

"Better now that I've seen you." He said smiling with a little gleam in his eyes.

"I was worried sick." I whispered, holding back tears; "Don't ever do that to me again."

He took my hand and kissed it I closed my eyes so happy that he was alive, "What happened?" I asked.

"I was driving home from work and A car bumped into me and then I ran into another car," He said, "My leg got slammed into something, I don't know what it was and Some glass from the winshield got into my arm, I don't know anything else; I blacked out."

"I'm so sorry Percy!" I said.

I handed him the get well card and he opened it and read it, He looked up at we with a loving gaze; "Thank you." He whispered

I looked over at Piper who was watching and I motioned for her to come over here, when she was here I looked down at Percy, "Piper's pregnant."

"Congratulations." He whispered.

"Thank you." She whispered, "I hope you feel better soon."

"You shouldn't be here Annabeth," Percy whispered, "You could get sick honey, go home the doctor says I have to spend the night and might be able to come home tomorrow; there's not much that you can do."

"Okay." I whispered and he was right; I could get sick, "I love you."

We walked back out and took the elevator again We exited the hospital and walked back out to my car, I was relieved that Percy was okay but upset because I couldn't stay and help him. I heard my phone ring and picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked sounding frustrated.

"Annabeth?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh, hi Cailin!" I said and I was glad she had called me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No," I said, "I've had a pretty crazy day."

"What happened?"

"Percy's in the hospital," I said and sighed.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped, "Is he okay, what happened!"

"He was in a car accident," I said, "He broke his leg and had to have surgery on his arm, he was going to work to pick up some papers and got in the accident on his way back."

"When is he getting out?" She asked.

"Tomorrow," I said, "Possibly."

"I'm so sorry Annabeth," She said, "Is there anything you can do."

"Thanks for asking," I Said, "But I really just need to talk to someone do you want to meet me and my friend Piper for ice-cream next week sometime?"

"Sure." She answered, "I'll also bring a meal over, I'm so sorry about Percy."

"Thanks," I said, "I'll see you next week.

"Okay, Bye." She said and I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Piper asked.

"My friend, Cailin" I answered, "Would you like to meet with us for ice-cream next week, she's pregnant too."

"Sure," She said; "When is she due?"

"The same day as me." I answered.


I drove back home and thought how wierd this day had been, I'd taken care of a baby, My best friend found out that she was pregnant and my husband had been in a car accident. Wow.

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