Chapter 32- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 18 weeks

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I woke up the morning I was 18 weeks with a jolt. I'll no If I'm having a boy or a girl in 2 weeks! I was so happy I'd been waiting so long to know what I was having and I knew it would make me feel so much closer to my baby! Britney was bringing Leo over today at 11 a.m. and we were going to talk and maybe have some lemonade (I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't drink coffee for the rest of my pregnancy.) I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table and realised it was 10:30 a.m.! 

I quickly got over to my closet and Looked inside for something to wear. I had gotten a little bigger and was really showing now. I put on a multi-colored maternity tunic and a pair of black leggings. The tunic was mostly dark blue but had some stripes. The stripes were Orange and Turquiose. I walked into the dining room and sat at the table so when Britney arrived I could get the door.

A few minutes later I heard Britney knock on the door. I  got up and opened the door and saw her holding Leo who was now two months old. He was smiling and laughing and was adorable.

"Hey Leo." I cooed and looked up at Britney, "Thanks for coming."

"Of Course." She said and smiled, "Can you hold Leo for a minute I'm going to go and get his play yard out of my car."

"Sure." I answered and she handed Leo to me as I walked over to the couch and sat down with him.

I held him in my arms and every now and then he made a small sound. A few minutes later Britney walked back into the room holding a folded up play yard. She set it up and then walked over to me and took Leo into her arms and placed him into his play yard on his back. She then came back and sat down on the couch.

"I hope he goes to sleep." She said, "He hasn't slept for the whole day."

"He's adorable." I told her and smiled.

"Thanks." She said and then changed the sunject, "So how're you feeling I can tell that you're belly's grown."

I laughed, "Yeah I'm starting to actually feel big."

"So have you gotten your nursery set up yet?" She asked.

"All of the furniture is in," I said, "But we're waiting until we find out the gender to decorate it."

"I remember when we set Leo's nursery up," She said and smiled, "Leo was there when we set it up."

"Does Leo cry a lot?" I asked.

"Not that much," She said and smiled, "Only when a meal's late, other than that he's a pretty easy going little man."

I put my hand on my stomach and day-dreamed about my child. I couldn't wait to meet them.

Yes, that was one of the shortest chapters I've ever written. But I didn't have anything else to write about and I hope you enjoyed it. Leo (the baby) and Britney are back in it. Piper's going to be in the next Chapter, It's going to be Piper's 10 week ultrasound! Piper finally has an ultrasound/appoitment in the book!

Also I lied: I uploaded Cold as Ice's first chapter yesterday and I'm currently writing the second chapter! If you haven't read it yet it would mean the world to me if you would! I'll try to update again later tonight (Around 9 or 10 maybe) and if I don't I'll have an update coming your way soon!!!

Also if my updates aren't as frequent as they normally are, I'm sorry. I'm not writing two books and although I try to update atleast once a day, sometimes I can't. Most days though I update once in the afternoon and once at night (on both books.) but that's getting harder with two books! That's 4 chapters a day if I try to update twice on both of them!

Again, sorry for the short chapter! I'll write for you some more later today or tomorrow!


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