Chapter 15- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 6 weeks

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By Wednesday, I was sick and tired of bedrest. All I had been doing for the past few days was sit around and watch movies. I also had looked up some things on my laptop but where I really wanted to be was in work.... not sitting around and feeling useless.

Also, my pregnancy symptoms were getting a lot worse. I felt Nauseous for atleast 3 quarters of the day. Piper had got promoted at Applebee's and she was now working another hour and she was busy with wedding plans, so I had no one to talk to.

I had my laptop open and I decided it was time I do something that would cheer me up-- at least for right now. I went on and decided to order some baby things- I hadn't bought anything this week, so I decided to think of it as a little get well present.

 The screen loaded and then I typed, "baby" in the search box. A lot of items popped up and I knew it would take hours to go threw them all so I decided I'd buy something gender neutral, Books. I loved buying books and I had been looking forward to buying them this whole time. Of course once we found out the gender, we would buy some books specifically for that gender, but for now I could buy some of the classics.

I spent about an hour purchasing books and when I was finally done the total was, $125.75. I got 14 books for the baby's nursery and was so happy. They would be here in about a week.

Percy and I had already started setting up the baby's nursery. We had the Crib, Bassinet and Bookshelf in place. I could not wait to fill the shelves of the booksheld when the books came!

I wasn't paying attention, so it took me a minute to notice the knock on the door, Percy was on the porch and I was sure that he could hear me if I yelled. So I called out, "Percy! Someone's at the door can you get it."

He must have heard me because I heard the back door open, and then close. Followed by rushed footsteps into the Living room, where our front door was located. I heard the door open followed by a gasp from Percy.

"Annabeth, Guess who's here!" Percy called.

"Who?" I asked curious, could it be Athena?

He didn't answer and I heard footsteps rush to our room, I was surprised and full of joy when I saw whom was standing there. My best friend, Thalia.

"Oh my gods!" Thalia exclaimed as she rushed over to our Queen sized bed and sat down beside me, "How are you feeling Annabeth, Percy called me yesterday and explained everything. I got here as fast as I could!"

"I was going to tell you about it as soon as I could get in touch, I didn't know you had a cell-phone." I said.

"I don't, while Jason was flying I met him in the airport he flew into, to visit him. Percy knew we were visiting so he called Jason, who let me talk to Percy." She explained

"I'm so glad you came in!" I said smiling, "Why and how did you?"

"Percy told me that you were on strict bedrest, atleast until your next appoitment so I thought you might need some company, so I arranged a flight on the plane that Jason was flying back to New York." She said smiling.

"That's great!" I exclaimed, "How long are you going to be here?"

"I'm here for a week." She said smiling and then embraced me, "So have you thought about baby names?" 

I smiled and then laughed. "I'm only 6 weeks pregnant!" I exclaimed, "But yes we have."

"Well," she said, "What are they!"

"If it's a boy.." I started, "Luka John Chase Jackson."

"In memory of Luke?" She asked in a whisper. I nodded and tried not to cry, not only because of the Pregnancy hormones.

"If it's a girl." I started. "It would be Maura Neveah Chase Jackson, or Neveah Maura Chase Jackson." I said, "We haven't really figured that one out yet."

"They're both beautiful." Thalia said squeezing my hand.


"So" I started, trying to get my mind off of Luke, "We just started to get the nursery set up, We had to move the guest room, would you like to see it, and get settled?"

"Sure," Thalia said, "Can I see the nursery first."

"Yeah." I said, about to get off the bed when I remembered- Bedrest, "Percy can showv you it, but it's not much All that's in it are The Crib, Bassinet and Bookshelf."

"Okay, I'll just put my bag away and I'll be right back." She smiled. "Who ever said that bedrest couldn't be fun?"

Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating for almost a week! I've been sick and I still am, I just thought thatI owed you this. It might be a little until I update again but I'll try! Also, I am going to be taking a guess on what the gender of the baby will be. Comment "Boy" or "Girl" on the story and see if you got it right!

I also want to know if you want to hear about the Jackson's story after the baby arrives. Comment your opinion!

Please Vote and Comment! Thanks for reading, I hope you're having just as much fun reading this as I am writing it!


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