Chapter 48- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 1 week old already?!?

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Hey everyone! So first off, let me tell you how I'm going to write about their new life as a family with Melody. Each chapter will be spaced apart by a week (like I did while she was pregnant with Melody), there may be some time skips; but for the most part it will be pretty even. I will try my best to fit in updates every sunday (my new update day) and I hope you don't mind the wait.

Here's your chapter, Enjoy!!

As Percy and I walked into the doctor's office, to take Melody to her one week check-up; emotions rushed through my head leaving me shocked and confused. How was my baby girl already a week old? She was still so tiny, and hadn't really learned anything new, but still if time went by this fast; before I knew it I would be helping her plan her wedding!

Melody looked angelic, as she slept innocently in her small carseat that Percy was holding in his arms; She had no hair, and her eyes were still blue; and I was secretly hoping that they would stay that way.

Melody looked adorable in her white dress that was lined with pink and had pink butterflies all over it. She had a pink bow wrapped around her sweet head, I had barely used any of the onesies yet, my new favorite clothing item was dresses. She looked precious in them, and I could never keep my eyes off of her when she was wearing one.

We walked up to the desk, and I heard people cooing after my daughter, which made me smile. I never had known how good it felt to be a mother.

"The Chase-Jackson's." Percy told the nurse, "It's Melody's One week appoitment."

 "Okay..." The nurse said as her eyes scanned her computer screen, and then looked up at us as she handed Percy a large packet of papers, "Dr. Smallwood will see you shortly."

I walked slowly, with Melody over to the waiting area, while Percy stayed and filled out the paperwork. I set her carseat on the floor in front of me, once I had sat down and set my fixated gaze on her face, her small eyes were still closed and I could see the faint rise of her chest everytime she took a breath, it was the most amazing thing in the world. I wondered how long she would sleep, and I hoped that we wouldn't bother her by waking her up when it was time for her appoitment.

I remembered the last time I was in this room, I had still been pregnant with Melody and I still was certain that her name would be Lillie. We had ended up choosing a doctor here, but none of the doctor's that we had thought about choosing, we had chosed Dr. Smallwood. A young black-haired man who had just become a doctor, and who was a very nice guy. I knew that he would provide great care for my daughter, I had no doubts.

A few moments later, her eyes fluttered open, and looked up at me in curiousity. She slowly, softly began to whimper and I cuddled her in my arms and shushed her, hoping to make her okay again; I hated the sounds of her cries.

Percy walked over to us, and rubbed Melody's back and then looked up at me, silently asking if I needed anything. I shook my head and he nodded, Melody eventually stopped crying and looked up at me with eyes full of wonder. She was so beautiful.

"Melody Chase-Jackson." I heard a voice call.

Percy took Melody's carseat, and I carried her in my arms, over to the wide open door. "Hi," The nurse said, "I'm Caroline, first we're going to weigh her okay?" She asked and then gestured to a small scale, that was obviously for infants.

The nurse, took my baby from my arms; and Melody looked around with wide eyes while the nurse placed her gently on the scale. When Melody's skin made contact with the cool surface, she flinched and I felt her pain, she didn't look too sad; but even though I kept avoiding the subject. I knew that Melody was going to have to take some shots today, and that she would feel pain; which made me want to curl up in a corner and cry.

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