Chapter 44- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 33 weeks

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Hey everyone so first of all I'm sorry for skipping a few updates, I've been very busy lately! This chapter is based on Percy's Birthday, even though it is a little late. I promise to make it as long as possible! Again, I apologize for the wait and I hope you enjoy! (Also this is the last chapter that Annabeth will be in the hospital until she has Lillie).

Annabeth's P.O.V.-

I finished eating the scrambled eggs and placed the plate on the bedside table. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to think of an idea for Percy's birthday, it was August 18th and I had no idea what I could do for his birthday.

I was going to be able to go home next week, but even then I'd be on strict bedrest, and that meant nothing. For my whole pregnancy I had kind of been letting the bedrest go every now and then, and doing things if they needed to be done. But now it was serious and I was more helpless than I had been before.

I grabbed my large cup of water and took a long drink, hoping that it would refresh me and maybe give me an idea or two. I set the cup down, and still felt empty so I decided to call Piper, maybe she would have some advice.

I dialed her number and rejoiced when she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard her mumble and then I remembered that it was 7 am, Piper had probably been sleeping and I bet that I had woken her up.

"Piper?" I asked, "Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay" She said groggily, "What do you need?"

"It's Percy's Birthday." I said and inhaled deeply.

"Yeah?" She asked, sounding more awake.

"I want to do something, but I'm in the hospital and I can't really do anything." I said and sighed, "I was wondering if you would be able to help me, I'll pay for everything."

"Sure." She said and then paused for a brief moment, "What are you thinking about doing?"

"Maybe a cake and some presents," I said, "Nothing too big."

"Is Percy there now?" She asked.

"No," I answered, "He had to leave for work; but he'll be back at four. I'm really sorry for such a short notice."

"It's no problem," She said. "Don't worry, Percy will have an epic birthday."

Time went by fast and before I knew it, it was 3:15; Piper had said that she would be here with everything somewhere around this time and I suddenly became self concious. I was in a hopsital nightgown and wasn't dressed up in the least bit. I hadn't showered since this morning and I was wearing no make-up.

My train of thoughts stopped when I heard someone walk into my room, and I looked up and saw Piper, holding 2 brown paper bags and grinning. I looked up from my book and smiled.

"Hi!" She exclaimed and then rushed over to my bed and plopped down beside me "I have everything ready, do you want to hear what I have planned?"

"Sure." I said and placed the book that I had been reading on my bedside table.

"Where to start?" She whispered and then smiled, "Okay, I didn't buy too much, just a pack of balloons, Pizza, Soda and the cake but it's still going to be amazing." She paused and I nodded, "The cake is two layers and is decorated with sea animals, I know Percy will love it. I got a gift for you to give him, It's just a gift-card to a book store and that's it." She smiled, "But the thing that is amazing is the fact that you are going to be able to be released early."

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