Chapter 18- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 9 weeks

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I woke up to the shrill sound of an alarm and remembered- today was the first day of me being back at work. I stood up and stretched, also remembering that today I was 9 weeks, 2 more weeks until our ultrasound!

I smiled and walked over to our closet, Percy was already at work. On the door there was a yellow Post-it note and I saw that there was a note from Percy.

Hi, Honey Hope you're feeling well. I'll be thinking about you. Love you ~Percy.

I took the note and put in my pocket and walked into our closet. I grabbed a white tank top and a yellow cardigan, I then tossed my Pajama pants into ourr clothes hamper and got into some skinny jeans, I slid into a pair of Yellow flats.

I ate a quick breakfeast of some fruit and cereal and then got into my new car. The yellow bow had fallen off and my Black Santa Fe looked Pristine. I backed cautiously out of our drive way-- there were lots of children on our street, and headed to work.

I pulled into the Middle School and parked my car as it started to drizzle. I looked behind me for the umbrella and then remembered-- I didn't have it in this car yet. I giggled to myself, thinking how it was raining when I found out I was pregnant.

I really didn't want to get out in the rain, but I had to get into school sometime so I took a deep breath and stepped out, I quickly speed walked towards the enterance. I walked in and one of my co-workers, Britney Rizzoli waved at me.

"Annabeth!" She called and ran over to me and hugged me.

"Hey Britney!" I exclaimed, she was my best friend at work.

"It's been too long!" She said

"It has." I replied, "We're going to have to keep in touch."

She stayed quiet for a few minutes and then looked down and saw that she had what appeared to be a baby bump! "Are you pregnant?" I exclaimed

"Yeah." She said and nodded, as she beamed with joy.

"How far along are you?" I asked

"32 weeks" She said.

 "Why didn't you tell me when we got out for summer?" I asked

"I didn't want to tell you and then have a miscarriage, I just started telling people when I was 16 weeks.... and I didn't have your phone number!"

"Well I'm Pregnant too...." I said shyly, "I'm nine weeks."

"You're Pregnant?" She asked and I nodded, "Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Our children are going to be great friends!"

"I bet they will be, Do you know the gender yet?" I asked

"As a matter of fact we do." She said smiling, "We had a 4-D ultrasound yesterday to see if we could tell and we could, It's a Boy!"

"Congratulations!" I told her.

"We can talk more at lunch." She said smiling, "I need to get to class."

"Okay." I told her smiling, "I'll see you soon."

I walked to my classroom, that I had setup the day before and looked in, It was empty, the students wouldn't be here for atleast 30 minutes. I got the papers that I had for the first day of school and put one on each desk.

I then went back to my desk and sat down. About Thirty minutes later I saw the first few students sit down, I had the desks in rows aphabetically so that I could learn their names easier. About 10 minutes later everyone was there and I walked to the front of the classroom.

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