Chapter 38- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 27 weeks

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I woke up feeling refreshed from the wonderful sleep that I had last night, Today was the day that Percy and I were going to visit the pediatricians office. I was excited and nervous at the same time, we were going on a tour and going to meet some doctors. I worried that none of the doctors would appeal to me, or the pediatricians office would look terrible.

I shook all of my nonsense out of my head and got out of bed, I felt happy that today I wouldn't be on strict bedrest, that I was still on. I walked over to our closet and glanced down at my growing belly, I wondered how long it would be until I could no longer see my feet. I took a deep breath and looked around in our closet, fretting again.

I wanted to make a good first impression, I needed to make a good first impression. I wanted to wear something that wasn't too formal, but something that said that I was easy going but not too eady going, something that said I was too professional but not too professional, something that expressed me and said that I was ready for this whole mom thing. I looked through the racks and saw many dresses, but nothing that was perfect. They were all too formal or too casual.

After a few minutes, and just when I was losing hope and about to give up; something caught my attention. It was a red sun dress, that had spaghetti straps and came down to my knee. It had Ruffles towards the bottom and was beautiful. It was very casual, but not too casual and it reminded me of myself a lot. I was going to wear that dress.

I slipped out of my night gown and pulled the dress on, it made my baby bump look fabulous. I walked over to the full length mirror and decided to apply a little bit of make-up on my bare face. I dabbed some pink lip gloss on and smiled at my reflection. I walked out of the closet and into our bathroom and reached for some bobby pins on the sink, I walked over and grabbed a comb and combed my hair out, I then pulled some of my hair back and smiled at my reflection, this was the exact look that I had been going for.

I walked into the living room, where Percy stood dressed in a long sleeved blue button up shirt, and a pair of black pants, he looked amazing.

"You look beautiful." He told me and I smiled.

"You look very handsome as well." I replied and he grinned, walking over to me and placing my hand in his.

I grabbed my purse and we walked out of our home and Percy held open the passenger door as I stepped into my car. I still wasn't aloud to drive, and it killed me. But then again, I knew that it was for the best.

Percy got into the drivers seat and started to drive over to the pediatricians office and I felt the nerves come again. I was so scared, this was a huge decision, we were heading over to an office to see if these doctors were qualified enough to take care of our child, and it was nerve wracking, but I knew that in the end we would make the best decision and there was no need to worry.

We arrived at the office in good time, we were twenty minutes early. We waited in the car for about ten minutes and then Percy and I headed into the office. I felt very timid as we walked into the office, This was really happening, it hit me then. Percy and I were going to bring a child into the world, we were going to be parents. And what struck me most of all was that we were becoming a family.

 I walked over to the front desk with Percy by my side and decided to ask when the tour would start, I wanted to know if I would have time to look around the office by myself. As we approached the front desk I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Annabeth Jackson, I'm here for the tour at 12 o'clock." I said, "Do you know what time I should be in the lobby?"

"In 5 to 10 minutes," The woman said as she typed away on her computer, even though part of her attention was focused on me.

I nodded and looked over at Percy, "I'm going to go and look around for a bit." I said, "I'll be back within 10 minutes."

Percy nodded and I took a deep breath, and headed around through a set of doors, into the actual pediatrician office. I heard babies crying, and felt my heart drop. I didn't want my baby girl to have to go through the pain of shots, even though she wasn't born yet I wished that I could take the pain from her when she was. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed how nice and friendly this office looked, the walls were painted a cream color, and artwork by children was everywhere. I knew that most of my worries were gone, this place wasn't trashy at all.

I noticed that there were brochures on a counter so I picked one up and looked inside, there were the names of all of the doctors.

Dr. Marie Tanner, Dr. Stephen Lockwood, Dr. Eugene Thomas, Dr. Michael Dawson, Dr. Maura Koger, Dr. Taylor Sommers.

I couldn't wait to meet all of them and my heart leaped with joy, because I knew that one of them would be the perfect doctor for my child. It felt amazing. I looked around the room one more time and decided to go back into the lobby, because time really had flown by and it had already been 8 minutes.

I saw about 6 people waiting in the lobby (Percy being one of them) and walked over and joined the group, I knew the tour would be starting very soon. I handed Percy the brochure so he could look at it and looked around. Soon the woman leading the tour arrived, and she appeared to be a very cheerful woman.

"Hi," She said in a very pleasant voice, "My name is Melissa, I'm a nurse and I will be leading your tour today." She said and we all followed her as she walked through the doors that led to the area that I had been looking at. "This is the area where you would check-out after your child's appoitment." She said and gestured towards the long counter and then gestured towards two scales, "The scale on the left is for a baby, and the one on the right is for a child, it would also be able to tell your child's height." We moved onto a long hallway but stopped at the enterance, "There are four hallways like this," She said and we moved down a little, "The doors lead to the examing rooms and offices for each doctor, you will be able to call for an appoitment to interview them later on, it's been a pretty busy day at the office. Thank you for taking the tour." She said lousily and walked off.

I thought the tour was a little vague but was looking forward to call for an appoitment to meet the doctors, that would have to be done soon because our little angel was going to be here in about 13 weeks. I still could not believe that.

We left the office and drove home, then something else hit me. My babyshower was next week. And Aphrodite was throwing it.

Hey everyone! Guess what's happening in the next chapter, yep the baby shower! I am very much looking foward to writing that chapter and I hope you will enjoy it! It will probably be up tomorrow and it will most likely be a very long chapter.

Also my friend recently pointed out to me that there are a lot of spelling mistakes in my chapters and I apologize for that. I type very fast and I will go back and edit this once I have finished writing the book, so if the word is spelled like this "Perrcy" It's Percy and My spelling mistakes normally are just an extra letter that I accidently add in, I promise that I am not a horrible speller!

Okay guys, I'll talk to you later and here is your question!

Q:  How far do you think Aphrodite is going to go with Annabeth's Baby shower?

1) Uh... it's Aphrodite it could probably win babyshower of the year... if there was an award for that.

2) I think she'll make it pretty casual and it won't be too big since Aphrodite knows Annabeth.

3) Aphrodite is going to go insane! It's going to be the best babyshower ever, Strangers will be invited!

4) I hope it's normal... as normal as Aphrodite can go....

Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you later!

:) Meg

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