Chapter 47- Annabeth's P.O.V.- Coming Home

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Hey everyone! First off, I want to say that this chapter will probably not be as long as the last one, but I will try to make it as long as possible. I have noticed that when I write longer chapters the endings are always kind of lousy, and I don't want that, so that's why this story has so many short chapters!

Here's your chapter!

I carried my angelic baby in my arms as Percy and I walked out of the hospital hand in hand. She was coming home with us today and that was all that mattered. Her little eyes fluttered and I knew she had to be exhausted.

She had slept fairly well last night, only waking up 3 times to have her diaper changed and be fed, the only complications we had was the fact that I could no longer breastfeed because of a medication I was taking and Melody would have to be fed by a bottle.

Her "coming home" outfit was a cute pink dress, with bows on the two pockets, and a white sweater. She was also wearing a white bow and looked adorable. She was already my little princess. She was wearing white and pink striped socks and a pair of white slippers. She looked beautiful and Percy and I couldn't keep our eyes off of her for a second.

Percy opened the car door where Melody's seat had been installed and I softly placed her in her seat as she rubbed her eyes. I slowly shut the car door and got inside the passengers side while Percy got in the drivers. I looked back at Melody and smiled, she looked so peaceful and I loved her so much. That was all I could think about; how much I loved her.

We slowly backed out of the parking lot and headed home. I stared at Melody for half of the time, and remembered how the last time I was in this car; Melody hadn't even arrived yet. Melody was rear-facing but we had a mirror that showed her face, and she looked adorable while she slept.

When we got home, Percy carried Melody out of the car and into the house, while I got her small bag and my suitcase. When I got inside, I noticed that Percy had put Melody in her swing and she was peacefully rocking back and forth, while Percy was prepairing a sandwich. We sat down on the couch and Percy carried the sandwich over to the couch, handed it to me and then sat down beside me.

"Thanks." I said, as I took a bite out of the delicious sandwich.

"I'm going to go back to work tomorrow, will you and Melody be okay here by yourself?" He asked.

"Of course," I said, "I'm so glad she's finally here."

"Me too."

"What do you think of parenthood so far?" I asked.

"It's not easy." He admitted, "But it's a wonderful feeling and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world; I already love Melody so much and she's only a day old."

"I know," I said, "It's crazy."

A few minutes later I heard Melody's sweet cry fill our home so I got up and held her in my arms as I patted her back. I then moved over to the couch and fed her a bottle, she was so beautiful. Once I had burped her, I carried her back over to her swing; but she began to cry again; so I decided to try her white bassinet, that didn't work either.

I scooped her up in my arms and decided to take her for a walk. I used the baby wrap that I had purchased a while back and let her rest against my chest. Before we went out, I decided to call Britney and ask her if she wanted to bring Leo over. Leo was 7 months old and was now able to sit upright and beginning to crawl! He was so big!

"Hello?" Britney answered!

"Hi, Britney!" I exclaimed.

"Annabeth!" She exclaimed, "Oh my goodness congratulations! I heard about Melody she sounds adorable!"

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