Chapter 11- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 5 weeks

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Later that night, when Percy was home; we had decided to invite his parents over for dinner. And by parents I mean Sally&Paul; not Sally and Poseidon. I wasn't cooking because we invited them last minute, Percy went out and brought back Italian (Spaghetti, Salad and Breadsticks) We had called our bakery last minute and asked for a cake, and luckily they were willing to help us.

The cake was round and had white icing it had a red bow going around the middle and it had stars coming out of the top. On the cake it said written in cursive; 'We are expecting!' We knew Sally would be Happy, Surprised and shock, Paul as well.

We were currently almost done with dinner and were about to bring out the cake, I looked over at Percy and he nodded.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back" I said smiling "I'm going to go get dessert."

I walked off, and looked into the dining room heading over to the cupboard where we were storing the cake. I opened it up and looked inside, the cake was in pristine condition. I could not wait to see their expressions!

I carried the cake into the other room and set it down in front of Sally. She looked down and read the message on the cake.

As soon as she saw it the covered her mouth and jumped out of her seat. She immediatly ran over to me and hugged me smiling and laughing. Paul looked down to see what all of the excitment was about and as soon as he saw it he too was smiling.

"Oh my gosh, Annabeth!" Sally exclaimed, releasing me from her hug and went over to pat Percy on the shoulder, "When are you due?"

"March 7!" I exclaimed, I love telling people my due date- It makes me feel more like a mom!

"A march baby!" She exclaimed in pure joy.

"Congratulations, guys" Paul said, smiling "You'll be great parents."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I asked smiling "Let's dig in to this cake!"

The cake was delicious, It was yellow and we all devoured it. Soon it was 8 and Percy's parents were about to leave before I forgot something, that I ment to ask Percy's mom when we first told her that we were expecting.

"Sally, Is it okay if I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her as they were about to step out of the door.

"Percy doesn't know this yet." I said taking a deep breath, "But I scheduled a twenty minute 4D ultrasound when I'm 25 weeks pregnant." I said "I'd love it if you and Paul would come."

"Sure!" She said "We'd love to be there"

I smiled at her and she headed back to the door, after many hugs and goodbyes they left and Percy squeezed my hand.

"What was that about?" He asked curiously

"Asking her if she wanted a picture from the ultrasound we're going to be getting on Sunday." I lied and felt a twinge of guilt

"Okay" He said and then kissed me on the lips.

I smiled and then walked over to the fridge and grabbed the jar of pickles out.

"How do Pickles and a movie sound?" I asked smiling, Percy grabbed the remote.

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