Chapter 34- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 20 weeks (The Big Gender Reveal!)

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Hey everyone so before you read this I want you to know that I'm going to be describing a lot of the things that Annabeth chooses to buy for her new baby. So go ahead and start reading and I'll talk to you at the end of the chapter!

I was twiddling my thumbs in the waiting room as we waited to be called for our ultrasound appoitment to find out the gender of our baby. As I thought of names I liked for our baby, I thought of Piper's Angel Baby.

Piper had stayed at the hospital for the night and it appeared that she had a miscarriage between week 4 and week 11, the doctor thought it was around week 7 or 8 since she didn't notice anything. Piper felt terrible and thought that it was her fault since she didn't notice anything. Jason felt the same because he hadn't been able to be with Piper for most of the time.

My thoughts were interrupted as our names were called and we stood up to go over to the hallway leading to the rooms for appointments. I thought of how close we were to finding out the gender of our baby. We turned into a room and I grabbed onto Percy's hand and he flashed a grin at me.

I sat down in the bed like chair beside the ultrasond machine and got comfterable as the doctor pulled a pair of gloves on. He walked over to me and took my blood pressure. After getting checked up on, the doctor finally was ready to do the ultrasound. I rolled up my shirt and the procedure began. He put the Gel on  and the cord on my stomach.

Before showing our baby to us he checked our baby's heartbeat and after listening to the angelic sound of it, I let my thoughts wonder. I knew it was a little boy, I had this feeling in me and I knew it wasn't a lie. I thought of names for his middle name.

Luca James Jackson, Luca Zachary Jackson, Luca Johnathon Jackson, Luca Alexzander Jackson.

The doctor was finally ready to show us our baby and he got started, he looked around on the screen and we saw our little baby. I smiled and looked up to see Percy beaming as well.

"Can you tell the gender?" I asked excitedly.

"Lucky for us, the baby's in a great position to tell if your baby's a prince or  a princess." Dr. Kaylor said and Percy squeezed my hand.

I looked intently at the screen and the Doctor smiled. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, You're having a little girl."

I smiled up at Percy who had tears in his eyes. "A little angel." I whispered.

"You'll be coming in again when you're 26 weeks." Dr. Kaylor said and then gave me a business card with the date written down on it.

"Thanks." I whispered and wiped a tear from my eye, "Thank you so much."

The doctor took the gel off of my stomach and Percy and I walked back into the waiting room. We got our pictures of our little girl and left the hospital. We drove home and I day dreamed of my little girl, thinking about outfits and names. I couldn't wait to meet her and I knew that Percy couldn't either.

When we finally got home I went back to our bed for bed rest and as soon as I opened my laptop I noticed Aphrodite standing by our bedroom door.

"Hello Annabeth." She said and I smiled, "Are you ready to go shopping?" She asked.

"Aphrodite I'm really sorry I can't go out I'm on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy." I said and gestured towards our bed.

"Oh I know that." She said, "We're going shopping online."

She came over and sat on the bed beside me, She took my laptop and went to, "I hear you're having a little girl." She said and I nodded.

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