Chapter 45- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 35 weeks

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Hey everyone so before you start reading I need to just say some quick things. First of all I started a new book! This was totally unplanned, but I am so looking forward to writing it! The novel is about Vampires and I would really love it if you would go and check it out! It's titled Vampire's Poison and I am also currently writing the first chapter! Also on another note, I really am so sorry about the time skip (again) as I get closer to writing about the birth of Lillie I am getting very lost for ideas! I'm sorry if there are a few time skips here and there, but the more time skips I make, the faster Lillie will be here! I promise this story will be a lot more interesting once Lillie has arrived. I will try to make this chapter as long as possible!

Also I have a shotout for dolphin1919-- Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Here's your chapter!

Getting rolled into the hospital in a wheelchair felt awful for me. I wanted to do things myself, but of course  I was doing this for Lillie, and knowing that made everything easier, and better. I had my hands wrapped protectively around my large stomach as we were headed to my appoitment, I was a little nervous that something would be wrong with Lillie; but I had been trying to convince myself that everything would be fine.

We rolled into the office and Percy checked in for us, While I sat feeling like a five year old waiting for thier parent in a doctor's office waiting room. Percy walked over and sat down beside my chair and squeezed my hand, which made me feel a lot better. Percy knew exactly what to do in moments like these.

"I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better," Percy whispered softly in my ear.

 I looked up at him and smiled, "You're already doing it Percy, you've made this situation a lot easier on me." I whispered. He squeezed my hand and I finally felt relaxed.

We waited for a few minutes and then the nurse came out and called us back, Percy continued to roll me into the room. When we arrived in the room, I slowly got out of the chair and moved onto the small bed beside the ultrasound machine.

 "Hi, Mrs. Jackson how are you doing this week?" The young nurse asked.

"Fine, just a little bored of the bedrest." I answered honestly.

"Have you had any labor signs?" The nurse asked.

"None." I answered

"Dr. Kaylor will be with you shortly." She said and left the room.

 A few moments later, the doctor walked into the room smiling and I couldn't help but flash a grin back, I was in the best mood today.

"How're you guys doing?" Dr. Kaylor asked.

"We're great," I answered.

Dr. Kaylor set down his large file folder on the cabinet and walked over to where I was sitting, "So no labor signs at all this week?" He asked.

"None," I answered, "But a few days ago I began getting the Braxton Hicks contractions, but I heard that was normal so I couldn't see any reason to report it."

He nodded and put a pair of blue latex gloves on, "Would you mind rolling your shirt up for me, Annabeth?" He asked and I immediately did as he said, "I'm going to preform an ultrasound; and I'm also going to monitor everything for a few minutes and just make sure that there are no abnormalities"

I nodded and he put the clear cool gel on my large stomach. He rolled the instrument around on my belly, and our baby came to life on the screen. I smiled as I saw my daughter, I couldn't believe that she would be here so soon; this pregnancy had gone by so fast. I then remembered a question that I had been worrying about for days.

"Is there a higher chance that I will go into premature labor because of all the complications I have had throughout my pregnancy?" I asked bravely, fearful of the answer.

"There is a higher chance," Dr. Kaylor answered; "But you've made it this far, you've had no signs of labor and your baby is almost full term; it is considered safe to go into labor when you're 37 weeks and you're almost to that point, so I highly doubt that you wil."

I nodded as I listened carefully to his words, and I then realised how if I did go into premature labor it probably wouldn't be life threatening. I was so close to being full term, and I was only 2 weeks away from being at the "safe point" I felt very good about the rest of this pregnancy, and I was glad that all of my worries had seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

 "But if you do have any labor signs, call as soon as it happens." I nodded as the doctor wiped the cool gel off of my stomach.

"Will I still be able to deliver naturally?" I asked, hoping that the answer would be yes.

"That will be detirmened on the day of your delivery, but most likely yes; unless something major comes up." He said, "But that's not for certain, so you might want to look up cesarean sections and get familiarized with them." He said and I listened carefully.

The doctor asked if we had any more questions and when we said no he left. We sat in the room for a few more seconds, as I looked over the roll of pictures that he had given me. Percy helped me back into the wheelchair and we left the hospital.

Hey guys so first off let me apologize for the week wait for an upload! I never planned on making you wait for so long, but school started this week and things have been very hectic and busy! I will probably start to try to updating once or twice a week, but again I'm not making any promises!

Also I am very sorry for the terrible ending to the chapter, I couldn't think of any other way to end it and I wanted to give you an update today! I also know that the chapter isn't the most interesting chapter of this book, but it's all I could think of!

Also, Again I would love it if you would go and check out my new novel; Vampire's Poison! I just put the first chapter up yesterday and will probably update it a little earlier than Becoming a Family.

Thanks for reading and here's your question!

Q: What has been your favorite chapter of this book so far?

(There are no numbers, just leave your answer down in the comments!)

I'll try my best to update ASAP!

Meg :)

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