Chapter 26- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 14 weeks

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Hi, I'm so sorry that I missed updating yesterday I will try to update everyday and I hope that I will get this book finished soon! I'm still stuck for ideas but I feel like I should update, so I'm going to write this chapter but I have no idea at the moment what's going to happen If you have any ideas please leave them in a comment! Thanks and I hope you enjoy!!

I woke up in the middle of the night, with Cramps that were killing me. At first I didn't care but then I remembered, Cramps are a sign of miscarrying. I was shocked and was about to start crying; I couldn't miscarry now. I shook Percy who was fast asleep and was finally back in our bed, he still had a cast on so I didn't know how this would work out.

"Percy," I whispered as he opened his eyes, "Something's wrong."

"What's going on?" He asked and rubbed his eyes, "It's the middle of the night."

"I know." I said, "I'm having really bad cramping." He didn't say anything, "That's a sign of miscarriage Percy, we have to get to the hospital."

"Oh my gods, you're right." He said and I realised he must have not known about the fact that cramping was a sign of miscarriage, "C'mon Annabeth we're going to the hospital."

"You can't drive," I said, "And I shouldn't either, I'll call Piper." I said feeling guilty that I was waking her up probably, I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was one in the morning.

"Okay." He said, "I am going though."

"Of course." I whispered, "I'm going to go in the bathroom and see if I'm bleeding again, I'll also call Piper." He nodded and I got out of bed and into the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the lid on the toilet, I sat down and pulled down my underwear to see if there was any blood, I was praying that there would be none. I looked down and noticed that I must have been bleeding for a while.

I couldn't be strong anymore I had to let go, I started crying as tears streamed down my face, my baby could be dead. I'd had a scare before but this time maybe it was really happening this time maybe, I'd done something, maybe it was that stupid iced coffee I just had to drink. I would never forgive myself if that was the reason.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone that I had brought in the bathroom with me, I dialed Piper and just when I thought that she wasn't going to pick-up she did.

"Hello?" She answered groggily.

"Piper, I'm so sorry for calling so late but I really need your help." I said.

"What's going on?" Piper asked and sounded more awake.

"I'm having bleeding and cramping again." I whispered, "Percy can't drive and neither can I in this state I'm so sorry to have to ask you this, But can you give me and Percy a ride to the hospital?"

"Of Course!" She exclaimed, "I'll be right there, I'm leaving my apartment right now just hang in okay, I'll see you in a minute."

"Okay, Bye." I said and hung up the phone.

I walked back into the bedroom expecting to see Percy but he must have left to get ready, his crutches were gone. I walked into our closet and decided I might as well get dressed, I was in pajamas. I threw a blue maternity tank top on and a pair of denim shorts that went down to my knee.

I walked into the living room and saw Percy who was Dressed and was standing with his crutches, he looked very tired and scared.

"Are you okay, was there any more bleeding?" He asked.

"Yeah." I whispered, "Percy what if we've lost or we lose the baby?" I whispered as tears threatened to spill over.

"Whatever happens," He whispered and I walked over to him, "You'll always be the best person and I'll always love you."

"We can't let this happen." I whispered, "We have to protect our baby." I bit my lip trying to stop myself from breaking down.

"I know you'll hate to hear this, Annabeth." Percy whispered gently, "There's nothing we can do other that pray that our baby's safe."

And deep down I knew that, I just didn't want it to be true. I knew that if I lost my unborn child I would feel horrible forever and always blame myself for it. But I wanted to believe that it was a scare just like the last time, I needed to believe it was just a scare and when we got to the hospital everything would be fine, it was just hard to believe that, it had already happened once; could it really happen again?

I heard the doorbell ring, and that meant that Piper was here. Who else would be coming over to our house tonight? I walked over to the door and opened it, I saw Piper standing in the enterance and I gestured for her to come in.

"Hey," She whispered, "How are you feeling Annabeth?" She asked and I noticed that she had her hand over her belly; she had had an ultrasound a few days ago and found out that she was six weeks along, about 8 weeks behind me.

"Scared." I whispered, "Come on in, I'm  going to pack a bag and then we'll be ready to leave."

She nodded and I walked back into our bed room as she sat down on our couch. I threw some pajamas, clothes and toiletries into a duffel bag, the same one that I had used last time and walked back into the living room. Piper stood up and walked over to me, Percy walked over as well.

"I'll take your bag." She said and headed out the door.

Percy took my hand in his and we walked out of the door together.

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had no idea I was going to make that happen until I started writing! Sorry for leaving you with a cliff hanger but, I've been writing this for three hours and don't feel like writing anymore!

I'm also sorry for not updating yesterday, as I said I'm very stuck on ideas! If you have an idea please don't hesitate to comment, I might use it. And if I do I'll dedicate the chapter to you!

Also, I will not be updating on July 27 or 28; I'm going to be out of town for those dates, and If I don't update on the 26 or 29 either I'm sorry, I'll try to update for those dates in advance! Maybe I could write the chapters as drafts and ask someone to upload them for me, I don't know; I'll think about that later!

I hope you're enjoying What to Expect When You're Expecting a Demigod! Thanks for reading and I'll update ASAP!


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