Chapter 51- Annabeth's P.O.V.- Unwelcome visitor.

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Hey everyone! So first of all I can't believe that this is Chapter 51 I never expected to make it this far, and I wouldn't have made it this far without all of you! Your votes, comments, and reads have made me able to do something I enjoy, which is to write for all of you! I hate to think that this will one day have to end, but all good things must come to an end. I promise, I'll carry on writing this story as long as possible. Also, towards the end there is going to be a huge shocker, and this is the end of the first book, the second book will be continued on Wattpad very soon, but not immediatly!! I promise that this is not the end of the Chase-Jackson family story, just a little pause and if you go and follow me you will get updates about how the story is coming along, and how much I have written. Also in the absence of this series, Vampire's Poison and Love Lives On... will be being written!

I was in shock, why was this person in front of my door? It felt like it had been an eternity since we had seen each other, and in all honesty I had hoped that we would never see each other again. Wasn't she supposed to be on trial, how was she here at my house. So many thoughts rushed through my head as I stared her down.

"Cailin-" I said, trying to remember where I had put my cell-phone, if I could only get to it, I needed to call the police, I had to. I didn't want to scare Melody, or even Percy. But I heard Percy stop cooing, and I felt Percy's eyes on my back, he knew. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, and she just smiled, "Answer me!"

"To visit an old friend." She said and stepped through the door, "Thank you." She pushed the door from my grip and I smiled at Percy and Melody, while I looked at him with a panicked and urgent expression.

"Cailin, honestly what do you want with me?" I asked.

"Annabeth must you always expect the very worse?" She asked and then smiled and shook her head when I did not answer, "I'm not here to hurt you Annabeth, I'm just here to take back what's rightfully mine."

"Oh." I said, and hoped that Percy knew what he was going to do with Melody, I glanced at him for a second and noticed that he was already slowly moving her towards him, drawing her into his arms, "And what would that be?" I asked slowly, avoiding her angry gaze.

"Percy." She simply said, and immediatly I was lost, how could Percy be hers, I quickly turned to him, hoping to see rage and confusion across his face-- like me. But, all I saw was him sharing a knowing look with Cailin, what the heck was going on?

"Percy, what's going on?" I asked, shocked when grief and guilt crossed his face, I was suddenly angry that I was the only one (except for Melody) in this room that didn't know what was going on. "Someone Please Explain!"

"Annabeth..." Percy said slowly and I was lost at his tone of voice, he wasn't even trying to hide it. He sounded guilty, "A while ago there was an incedent."

"Okay, like what?" I asked, suddenly feeling betrayed.

"Annabeth I'm so sorry." He said his voice, sounding choked, as if he was confessing to someone's murder.

"No..." I said.

"I cheated on you..." He said and my heart shattered.

So that's officially the end of the first book! I'm so sorry I left you with a terrible cliffhanger, I couldn't help it! I was going to make Annabeth found out when Melody was older, and when she was pregnant with their second child (spoiler alert: yes there will be a second child, but that's all I'm giving away!!) But, I felt like it was meant to happen now and I knew that it would be a great ending to the first book!

About the second book, I will upload the cover, title, description and preview either later tonight or tomorrow but that's it! The second book's first chapter will be out when I have time to write it, and I will do my best to get it up ASAP!! (Probably within a month... give or take.)

I really hope you (my fans) stay on with the story, and don't ditch it! I have so many more ideas for the story!!! I'm willing to take the risk though, because I feel like it's time for another book. I hope you do want to read though, I am writing two other books on Wattpad so I have to balance and since this is my most popular book, most of the time it takes up all of my attention! 

So, lookout on my profile page for a book that will have in the title Sequel to Becoming a Family. I'll be writing for you soon.

:) Meg

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