Chapter 14- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 6 weeks

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We arrived at the hospital about 15 minutes later, Percy carried my bag in and I walked in. We checked in and I got in a wheelchair, Percy rolled me to the Maternity ward. As soon as we got there we explained to the front desk our situation and they took us to a room. I was soon hooked up to an IV.

As soon as we got in there a nurse started asking me questions

"How far along are you?" The woman asked

"I'm 6 weeks and I'm due on March 7." I said plainly, there was no emotion to my voice, I felt like that if I lost my baby, I'd lose everything.

"Have you have any cramping?" She asked

"No, I just noticed some blood."

"What about Pregnancy symtoms?" The woman asked.

"I've had some Morning sickness, Fatigue, and Cravings." I said

"Okay," The nurse said, noting things on her clipboard "Dr. Kaylor will see you shortly."

I layed back on the bed that I was on and sighed. Beside me their was an ultrasound machine and a machine that tracked the fetal heartbeat. I was very scared, I did not expect my first ultrasound to feel like this. I thought I'd be excited and happy.

I placed my hands on my stomach, and wondered if a baby was still in there. Percy walked over to me and patted my shoulder. Shortly there was a knock on the door and a doctor walked in and smiled. He had blond hair that was cut short and he looked like a very nice man.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." He said "I'm Dr. Kaylor, I understand that you have had some complications in your pregnancy, could you please explain to me what they are?"

"They're not really complications." I said, "I just had some bleeding, but not that much."

"Do you know if it has stopped?" Dr. Kaylor asked

"Honestly no." I said

"Okay," He said "We're just going to preform an ultrasound to see if the baby's still there."

"Wait before you do that." I said "Can I ask you a question."

He nodded and I took a deep breath. "Do you think that I've had a miscarriage?" I asked nervously, prepared for the worst.

"I can't say for sure until we've heard the heartbeat and seen the fetus." He said and I nodded, "But most women have more symtoms, cramping and this starts before the bleeding, but bleeding isn't good and even if you don't have a miscarriage, you could still have a high-risk pregnancy."

"Okay." I said, what he had said was better than what I had expected.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks, and I nod and grab Percy's hand.

I roll up my shirt and he places some of the cool, gel/liquid on my stomach and prepares to look for the fetus. Percy and I are both prepared for the worst. Dr. Kaylor looks around for a minute and then turns toward us, a sad expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry, there appears to be no fetus, I can look for a few more minutes." he says and my heart breaks, "And then we can also try a vaginal ultrasound, but I don't see anything."

I look up at Percy and see tears streaming down my face, but then the doctor gasps and looks at the screen, Percy and I immediatly turn our attention towards it. There was a black spot on the screen and Percy and I smiled.

"Is that our baby?" I asked

The doctor nodded and we smiled. "Is it alive?" I asked

"I need to check for a heartbeat," He says and we wait a few seconds and then we hear the beautiful heartbeat of our little miracle.

"Oh my gods Percy!" I whisper as tears of joy stream down my face.

"Are they okay?" Percy asks.

"We're going to have to keep you here for the night and run some tests." The doctor says, "You'll probably be on strict bedrest for a while."

"That's fine." I whisper "That's perfect"

"Will we still need to come in on Sunday for our scheduled appoitment?" Percy asks

"I don't think so." The doctor is, "But you will need to come in next week, and if you see anymore spotting after you leave tomorrow come in immediatly, I need to take a blood sample Mrs. Jackson, is that okay?"

"Yes." I gasp "Of course it is."

Dr. Kaylor leaves the room to get some supplies and I look up at Percy and he kisses me on the cheek, we both smile at each other. Overjoyed that we're going to be able to keep our baby.

Miracles do happen.

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