Chapter 20- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 10 weeks

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"Percy! Percy!" I screamed, "Get in here now!"

"What's going on?" He asked running towards our room, "Are you okay."

I was standing in front of our mirror and when I lifted up my shirt I could see a little bump. It was tiny but it was still something. He came into the room and I smiled.

"Look Percy." I said

"What?" He asked sounding confused

"Don't you see it?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He asked

"The baby bump!" I exclaimed patting my belly, "I mean it's really little but it's there."

"I'm going to be honest." He said and laughed, "I see nothing."

"Come a little closer," I urged, he walked a little closer to me and I smiled, "See it now?"

"Uh...." He said and leaned a little closer then he squinted, "Yeah, but it's really small."

"It's proof that there's a baby in there!" I squealed.

"Of course there's a baby in there." He said.

I ran over to him and placed his hand on my belly, letting him feel our son or daughter. He smiled and then leaned down and put his ear to my stomach.

He then turned to my belly and whispered, "Hi, I'm your Daddy." He paused and I smiled Percy was such an amazing person, "You're going to be the most loved baby in the world, your Mommy and I love you so much already."

"You have the best Daddy." I whispered, "We'll always be there for you Little J."

"What did you just call the baby?" He asked.

"Little J." I said, "For little Jackson, do you not like it?"

"No, I love it Annabeth." He said.

I jumped into his arms and kissed him. "You mean the world to me Annabeth, you know that right?" He said.

A tear slid down my cheek. "Annabeth are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"Percy you're the sweetest, most loving, the most well rounded man I've ever met," I said sobbing, "And I'm just glad you're mine, forever." I sealed our promise with a kiss.

"I think it's time we go shopping for Maternity clothes." He said smiling, then glancing at my belly.

"But I thought I was going with Aphrodite." I said.

"That doesn't mean that we can't go too." he said smiling and switched me to bridle style in his arms.

He carried me through our house, grabbing my car keys, his wallet and my purse. He carried me out to my car and opened the passenger, he slid me into the seat and I didn't object. I was tired and didn't want to drive.

He got in the drivers seat and then saw Aohrodite standing in the driveway, "How did she-" I turned to ask Percy but I could tell he was just as confused as I was.

I got out of the car and walked over to her, "Aphrodite it's not a good time now," I said, "We were just about to go shopping."

"Well that's funny" she said, "Because I was going to take you shopping for Maternity clothes today" she said.

"Um... I guess we could go today." I said, "As long as Percy can tag along."

"Of course." Aphrodite said, "Well go tell him to come on out here."

"Oh," I said, "We were going to take my new car." I said smiling, glad I got to show off my Santa fe, "It's a Santa-fe."

"My way is much faster."

"Um... okay then." I said and the motioned for Percy to come on out. He opened the Drivers side door and walked over.

"Hi Aphrodite." He said and then wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

A moment later we were in A wonderful Maternity store and saw what felt like hundreds of racks of beautiful clothing.

"Well go on and try some on." Aphrodite said.

4 hours later we were done with the Maternity store, Aphrodite insisten on buying everything that I liked even though I was sure I'd never even use half of it. As the man at the register finished ringing everything up I was shocked at how much Aphordite was spending.

$11,153.76! On Maternity clothes! I didn't even want to know what she was planning on for shopping for our baby! I had gotten 49 dresses, 47 shirts, 14 pairs of pants, and 7 swimsuits. I thought that was crazy! Who needed almost 50 dresses and 47 shirts?

"Aphrodite," I said as I carried 4 of our many bags, "This is crazy, I'm never going to use all of this."

"Not during this Pregnancy." She said as we reached the car that Aphrodite had gotten since we needed space to put all of these bags, "But you can use these clothes during your later pregnancies."

Then the thought struck me, I had never thought about this were Percy and I going to have more children? And if we were, When? I guess I did want more children- Maybe 3 or 4 but I didn't know right now I wanted to focus on this baby, and this baby only.

Later that evening I was wearing my first Maternity outfit as Percy and I were about to go on a walk.

It was red and had sleves that cut off at the shoulder, it went down to my knee. It would expand as I grew but It worked while I was still small and It was very beautiful.

As we walked out on our driveway I decided to bring up the subject that had been haunting me for the whole day: More Children.

 "Do you think we'll have more children?" I asked

"I don't know." He answered, "All I know right now is that I love you and our baby so much, I don't want to think about anything else."

"Okay." I answered

"What made you think about that anyways?" He asked

"Aphrodite." I answered

"It'll be okay"

He squeesed my hand and we walked into the sunset- just like in the movies.

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