Chapter 46- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 37 weeks

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Hey everyone, so first of all let me apologize for the long wait on the uplood! It’s the school year again and I don’t have as much spare time as I normally do, which means the uploads will be less often and I apologize for the inconvenience! I will try to make this chapter as long as possible, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I won’t make you wait any longer, so go ahead and read on and I will talk to you again at the end of the chapter! Also I’m very sorry for the time skip, but I’m hoping that you will love the ending!

Also, if you haven’t already; I would love it if you would go and check out my new book Vampire’s Poison The first chapter is out now and the second one will probably be out shortly after this one!

One more thing (I’m sorry, I promise I’ll start the chapter after this) I have an instagram, it’s @MeglovesTVD and I would love it if you would go and follow me if you have one! I post updates on how far I am in chapters, Sneak peaks and random photos! Here’s your chapter, Enjoy!

 My laptop was resting on my large stomach, as I went through my inbox; I hadn’t gone through it in over a week and there were about 200 emails. Although, most of them were “junk mail” there were a few important ones, and I was reading and replying.

 This bedrest thing had gotten even worse, and I was hoping I would be able to meet my daughter sooner rather than later. I looked at an email from a baby name website, and debated whether to delete it or to keep it. I ended up clicking on it, I had decided to see if there was any important information in it.

 The email’s subject line was titled “Feeling Conflicted?” And something in me made me want to go on reading it; and I had no idea why. This was the email that all moms-to-be got it when they were 36 weeks like me. Once I clicked on the email, I regretted doing so. What if the email said something that made me want to change my mind? Percy and I both loved the name Lillie. But, I shoved all of my fears to the side and bravely began to read the email.

 ‘Are you having second thoughts? Second guessing the name that you and your husband picked out so long ago? If you are, you’re not alone. Many moms and dads to be change the name that they feel so set on many times throughout the entire pregnancy, or even after your little miracle has arrived.

 ‘The first thing to figure out is why you are re-thinking the name that you have loved for such a long time. Do you not like the meaning of the name that you picked out? Do you feel that your name is overused or not unique enough? Have you found another name that you are completely in love with and feel that it is the one?

 ‘Our suggestions are simple: Look at the links below and research your name, or if you want a completely different name; go on our website, we have many names to look at that are organized by their origin.

'We hope that this will help you find a new name, that suits you best and makes you feel like you are naming your child right.’

 After I had finished reading the email, I felt conflicted; what was I going to do? Was the name Lillie overused. What did it mean? Would I like another name better? These thoughts came rushing into my head all at once, making me feel as if I had to click on those links, there was no other way.

 Even though I wasn’t 100% sure that it was the right decision, I clicked on the first link, researching my future daughter’s name. Lillie originated from the name “Lily” and was the flower, it meant Pure. I liked the meaning but did I want something that had a deeper meaning? After All, I was giving my child a name that they would have to live with for the rest of their lives.

 I clicked on the next link, opening the page that showed me other names and I went through them carefully, the meanings were right beside the names and the names text were pink for girls and blue for boys; I narrowed it down so it would only show me the girls name and read down the list.

 I saw a lot of names that I liked a little bit. Carolyn, Lea, Michelle. But I couldn’t picture our baby with any of those names, I was about to give up when I saw a name that I instantly fell in love with. Melody, it was beautiful. It meant song-like and I already knew a perfect combination. Melody Anne Chase Jackson, I immediately liked it better than Lillie Alana Chase Jackson, It sounded perfect. But all of my joy ended at once, of course Percy would have to agree, it was his daughter as well.

 Would he like the name? I loved it, and I was sure he would like it too, but it was so sudden that I wasn’t sure. I glanced at the time on my screen and saw that Percy would be home soon, It would just have to wait until then.

I heard the door open and I quickly shut my laptop, as I heard Percy’s steps echo around our home. I pulled myself together and tried to figure out how to tell Percy my change of thoughts. He walked into our room and I looked up and grinned as he walked over to our bed and kissed me on the cheek.

 “Hi,” He whispered softly and I smelt the smell of his fresh cologne.

 “Hey,” I said, “How was your day?”

 “Pretty uneventful, how was yours?”

 Here it goes… “I didn’t do much today, but I did find something online.”“What?” He asked as he played with a strand of my hair.

 “I was thinking about our name, Lillie Alana.” I said as he nodded, I hoped that he could catch on to where I was going with this, “I got an email from a baby name website and it was about second guessing the baby name you had chosen, I looked up the meaning of Lillie and it means pure.”

 “What’s wrong with that?” He asked and I could tell he didn’t like my idea as much as I thought he would.

 “Nothing, but I found another name.” He nodded and let me continue, “Melody, it means song like and I thought it would sound beautiful with the middle name Anne. Melody Anne Chase Jackson. Do you like it?”

 “Melody Anne Chase Jackson.” He repeated and my heart dropped, I knew that he wouldn’t like it. “It sounds beautiful, but are you sure that you want to change it this late?”

 “I’m sure if you’re sure.” I said.

 Percy placed his hand on my stomach and smiled. “Melody.” He whispered.

Later that evening, after we had called all of our relatives and told them about the name change Percy and I were watching a movie while we relaxed together, when I felt water gushing down my leg. I looked up at Percy and grinned. My water had just broken!

The baby's going to be here soon! Are you excited? I know I am. I feel like I am boring you to death with my long waits for updates and how short the chapters are once I have updated! I promise I will try my best to get the next chapter up ASAP but, keep in mind that I am also going to school and writing Vampire's Poison.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and here's your question:

Q: How long would you like the next chapter to be?

1.) The usual

2.) 4-5 pages

3.) 5-7 pages

4.) 7-10 pages

5.) I don't really care, just update ASAP!

Thanks for reading and I will write for you soon, (Also I have no idea why the text is a different size for this chapter atleast while I'm writing it is, I hope it doesn't bother you!)

:) Meg

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