Chapter 10- Annabeth's P.O.V. 5 weeks

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I stretched my arms over my head and yawned, I looked over at the clock and it read, 10:13 a.m., I gasped and jumped out of bed and then realised today was Saturday, yesterday was Jason's party and today I needed to call my Doctor's office and schedule an appoitment and an ultrasound.

I get out of bed and go downstairs, still wearing what I wore to bed last night and walk over to our cupboard, pulling out the box of Cheerios and some Bananas then for some reason I have a sudden craving for a grapefruit. The thought of even smelling this banana makes me want to vomit.

I immediatly decide that after I call my doctor's office I am going to head to Wal-mart and go shopping.... and I might just pick up a baby thing or two. I look down at the banana and put it down, back in our fruit bowl and pour back my Cheerios into the box. Breakfeast is going to have to wait. I rack my mind trying to think of any snack I can eat and I eventually grab an apple and take a big bite out of it.

I sit down at out kitchen table and pull out our home phone, and look in our adress book for the phone number of my doctor's office. I look down and read the number, I dial it into the phone and on the third ring I get hold. I decide to put the phone on speaker and look in the fridge for something to quench my thirst.

I then notice a note on the counter from Percy:


I'll be back around 5, If there's anything you need call me at my new number. I got a cell phone so if there's an emergency you can contact me. I'll always pick up. The number is: 803-421-3010. I love you, be safe.

Love, Percy

I smile at the note, I'm glad he got a cell-phone, but I get snapped out of my daydream when I hear a voice on our phone.

"Manhattan Medical Office, how may I help you?" The voice says

I run over to the phone and pick it up, taking it off of speaker.

"Hi, my name is Annabeth Chase." I say "I recently found out I was pregnant and I wanted to schedule an appoitment with an Obstetrician and get an ultrasound."

"What was the first day of your last menstural period?" The woman asked

"May 29, 2013" I answered

"That puts you at five weeks," the woman said "If I am correct you'd be due on March 7, 2014 she said "But you'd need to see a doctor to be positive."

"Of course!" I exclaimed, excited that I was about to schedule my first doctor appoitment with my unborn child "When can I come in?"

"We can schedule you for an appoitment on Sunday, would that work?" She asked

"Yes! Of Course"  I said

"Okay then we'll see you then."

"Um.... wait, I would really like to see my baby, will I be able to get an ultrasound?" I asked hesitantly

"Sure" The nurse said "But,  there really isn't much you can see at 5 weeks, just the yolk saks."

"That's fine, I just want to feel a connection" I said "Thank you for all of your help, I'll see you on Sunday!"

"Thank you, bye."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys from the hook and decided to go to Wal-mart now and pick up some things.

After I picked up my grapefruit and some pickles (another weird craving!), I headed back to the baby section and decided to pick up a few things. Percy and I had agreed we weren't going to get any clothes until we knew the gender, except for some white onesies, maybe.

There were so many things to look at and decide on so I decided just to buy some gender nuetral things and then leave the store.

I got some; Newborn size diapers, Size one diapers, an orange o-ball, links, a pack of white onesies, and a pack of white newborn socks, since I was due in march.

I walked up to the check-out lanes and checked out, it was $65... ouch. But at least I had started shopping for our angel. I walked out of the store and out to my car and stuffed everything into the back seat of my car. I rolled the cart back to where the carts were kept and got back in my car.

As I drove home, I thought about how much I was excited for the ultrasound and appoitment on Sunday, I had called Percy and he had gotten the time off of work and he would be there, to see his baby for the first time.

Percy told me while I was on the phone with him that he knows it's a girl, but I just have this motherly feeling that it's a boy. I'd be happy with either though and I can't wait to see them!

I drive up to our house, and try to imangine a baby here, Percy and I as a family. It won't be that long.

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