Chapter 31- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 17 weeks

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The week had gone by smoothly, I finally had gotten over the fact that someone who I thought was my friend had tried to kill me and I was getting used to bedrest and wasn't bored 24/7 Percy had bought an iPad for me and I played games and FaceTimed Piper on it. I definetly felt a lot bigger and had finally been ablw to fit into my maternity clothes-- all of them. Sally was throwing a baby shower for me when I was 28 weeks and I was very excited, Aphrodite had came by the other day and told me we'd plan the baby shower she was going to throw for me when we found out the gender.

I was wearing a short sleeve striped maternity dress that was mostly blue but had some white stripes here and there. It had to be one of my favorite dresses. Today nothing was going on except that I had called Sally earlier and she had offered to bring dinner over later tonight. I had called the doctor's office as well and I was going to be able to go over to my table and eat! I was not on strict bed rest anymore, I was aloud to move a little but I was supposed to be in bed for most of the time. At least I was aloud to eat at a table now. 

Percy was going over to pick up Sally right now since she was having car trouble and I was waiting at home. I was excited to see her since I hadn't seen her for a little while and hoped she'd notice the difference in my baby bump Piper was showing a little and found out that she was 9 weeks and 3 days along and that the other doctor's calculation was wrong.

I heard a car door open and Stood up, Dizzy from being in bed for so long. I walked over to our dining room and made sure there was nothing on the table. Percy and Sally walked in through the front door and I smiled as Sally ran over to me.

"How are you feeling, Annabeth?" She asked and looked down at my baby bump, "Oh wow your belly's grown so much!"

"Thanks," I said and smiled, "I'm feeling pretty good, A little bored though."

I noticed that Percy had two foil Containers in his hands and what appeared to be two more in a bag. Percy set them down on the table and Sally smiled, noticing my gaze towards the food.

"I made Chicken with Parmesan, Salad, Rolls and Brownies." She said.

"Oh wow that sounds delicious." I said smiling, "Thanks so much for bringing dinner over Sally." I said and sat down remembering Bed rest evem though this was more like Chair rest.

Sally opened the containers and Percy walked over to our Cabinets and grabbed some plates and Glasses. Sally put some Chicken, Salad and a roll on my plate and handed it to me smiling. I took a bite with a fork that Percy had brought me and smiled.

"It's wonderful." I said smiling

"Thanks." She said, "The salad Dressing is homemade; Italian Vinegarate."

I took a bite of the salad and the savory taste filled my mouth with pure joy. I nodded, not willing to ruin my good manners by talking with food in my mouth. I finished chewing and looked up at Sally.

"That is amazing." I said and Sally smiled.

"I was hoping you'd say that." She said, "Because I made a bottle for you." She said and handed me a bottle of the Delicious Dressing.

"Wow thanks so much!" I exclaimed, "Percy would you mind putting this in the fridge for me?" I asked and he walked over and took the bottle of dressing from me.

We ate the rest of our dinner and the brownies- which had to be one of the best desserts I had ever eaten. Percy and I ended up going to bed with a normal day- when nothing wierd had happened which rarely happened for us. I fell asleep feeling safe and happy. I couldn't help wondering how long this feeling would last.

Hey guys! I decided to update twice for you today since I'm going to miss some updates soon and you deserve it! I know this was a very short chapter and nothing really happened but I hope you got a feeling of family from it (I did writing it).

I feel like I'm writing 24/7 between this book and Cold as Ice! (Yes, I'm already writing it!) I hope you're enjoying reading this and you'll read Cold as Ice as well. We still have a long way to go before this book is over so I'm going to try to start updating like crazy!

I might update again tonight but if I don't, I'm going to start writing Chapter 32; Also I'm back in Writer's Block Please give me ideas!!! I need ideas for the weeks of 18 and 19. I have a lot of ideas but today it just struck me if I keep writing about every single week of Annabeth's pregnancy I still have 23 Chapters to go until I can write about the baby! I truly am stuck!

Thanks for reading! I hope you're enjoying this book even though it's getting a little slow. I'll try to make things interesting! More chapters coming your way soon!


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