Chapter 46- Annabeth's P.O.V.- Welcome to the world...

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Hi everyone, We've come so far in this book! It's had twists, new characters and many chapters and I am very excited to be up to this point. I started writing this book on the last day of school and I am so glad that I never gave up fully on it, for that I need to thank Kirsten (TaylorSwiftHates1D) without her help and support none of this would ever have happened, Becoming a Family would have been stopped months ago. 

I'm glad I've continued to write this story, and I'm very thankful for all of my fans and readers who comment on my books every time I update. I've just hit 3,000 reads and 100 votes and I never thought any of this would happen! I know many authors have 10 times that amount, and it's not such a big deal; but I want you to know that this means the world to me and I would be nowhere without you! This is such an amazing feeling that words can't even begin to describe.

Before you start to read the chapter I just need to add on one more thing and then I will start to write. I've been thinking about a good stopping point for this book and I believe that I've finally decided on one. I will complete the book, when you (my readers) get tired of reading and realise that Becoming a Family needs to come to an end. I will continue to write books on Wattpad, (I'm already writing one: Vampire's Poison) I'll hate to finish this book, but all good things must come to an end!

Again, thank you for all of your support (you have no idea how much it means to me) and here's your chapter!

Also this chapter is a little descriptive so if you're not comfterable with reading that I will have a new story titled "Less Descriptive Works" which will include this chapter without being too descriptive by the end of the month (sorry)

"Should we go to the hospital?" I asked Percy, as my eyes widened in joy. Would I meet my daughter tonight? It was only 9:30, would she come today or tomorrow morning? So many emotions rushed into my stream of thoughts; I was going to be a mom very soon! It was unbelieveable.

"Here," He said and paused the movie that I hadn't been paying attention to, "I'll call the office; have you been having contractions?"

I shook my head in response as Percy squeezed my hand and then walked into the kitchen to retrieve the phone. I sat silent as I thought of everything. My baby girl was going to be here soon, I was going to get to meet my daughter! Then worry rushed through my mind as I thought about all of the complications I had had throughout this pregnancy, would everything be alright? I swept those thoughts away and reassured myself that everything would be fine, because I knew it would. I would do anything to protect my daughter and I knew that Percy would as well.

I heard Percy talking on the phone, but I could only pick up bits and pieces of their conversation. I grabbed my laptop from the bedside table and decided to email a message to all of our friends and family, announcing the news.

'Hi everyone! It looks like we might be meeting Melody a little early, My water just broke! Percy is on the phone with staff from the hospital as I type! We'll contact you when we have more news!' I typed away and quickly sent it.

I shut my laptop and tried to calm down, but I was just too excited. I eventually got it in me to calm down and waited patiently, for Percy to be done. I felt Melody kick and smiled, my baby girl was going to be in this world sometime soon, and I was going to meet her. I loved her so much already, I knew the unimanginable love would consume me when I got to hold her for the first time.

I heard Percy hang up the phone, and heard him pad into our room softly. He poked his head through the door with a big grin spread across his face.

"What did they say?" I asked casually, trying to hide my excitment; though I was sure that Percy saw right through it.

"The nurse said to come in once your contractions were 5 minutes apart, normally it would be 3 but because of all of the trouble you've had during your pregnancy they want you to come in early just to be safe." He said, "Do you have any contractions yet?"

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