Chapter 37- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 26 weeks

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I sat up on our bed, which was getting harder and harder with my ever-growing belly. My baby shower was in two weeks and I was very excited about that but nervous at the same time, how far was Aphrodite going to go? I didn't even want to know.

Today was our 26 week appoitment and I couldn't believe that at my next appoitment I'd be 30 weeks!
I walked over to our closet and pulled a sundress on that was pink and I let my thoughts drift to the nursery. Percy and I were planning on having the nursery finished by the time that I was 32 weeks with Lillie. I was so glad that we had finally chosen a name, so I could finally call her Lillie.

I walked into the living room and saw Percy drinking a mug of coffee and reading the newspaper. He looked up and smiled when I walked in.

"You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked out to my Sante fe and Percy got in the drivers side as I gently pulled on the handle and got in the passenger side. Percy headed to the hospital and I let my head rest on the window, and thought about things to do when we got home. I had watched the ultrasound DVD over and over again so many times I wanted to do something different, I just didn't know what yet.

A while later we arrived at the hospital and we stepped out of the car and headed inside to go to the Maternity Ward. We walked over to the maternity ward and I checked in for us while Percy sat down. I then remembered something that I'd been trying to tell Percy for a very long time, since I was 23 weeks along.

I sat down beside Percy and leaned closer to his ear, "I scheduled for us to get a tour of a pediatricians office next week." I whispered in his ear, He nodded and opened his mouth like he was about to say something.

"Annabeth Jackson." We heard a nurse call and Percy smiled, what he had to say would have to wait.

We walked into a room and I sat down on the bed beside the ultrasound machine, even though the doctor had already told me that we were not going to be preforming an ultrasound this week because I'd had last week.

"Hi, Annabeth." The woman said smiling, "How've you been doing this week?" She asked.

"Fine." I answered

"Have you had any cramping or bleeding this week?" She asked and I shook my head, "Wonderful." She picked her file folder up and smiled, "Dr. Kaylor will be with you shortly." She said and walked out of the room.

About a minute later Dr. Kaylor walked in and smiled, "Hey Guys, how are you today?" He asked and I smiled.

"We're great." I answered, "We had our 4-D Ultrasound last week."

"How did that go?" He asked, looking down at a sheet of paper.

"It went wonderful," Percy answered, "It was amazing to be able to see our baby."

"Since you had an ultrasound last week I will not be preforming one today," he said and glanced down at his sheet of paper, "But we will be going over some more things that are important since you're only about 14 weeks away from labor like your birth plan and post-natal care."

"Okay." I said and nodded.

"Have you thought about any of this?" He asked.

"A little," I admitted, "I would really love to go natural, and I'm almost positive that is what I'm going to do in terms of labor and delivery. I have no idea about post natal care, I don't even know what that is."

"Okay," The doctor said, writing something down. "I'm going to give you some papers that you can fill out." He said and handed me a packet with a few sheets of paper in them, "This will be your birth plan, you will need multiple copies of this to give to different people."

I nodded and opened the packet and looked inside, there were 6 copies, I was acttually excited about filling these out; it made me feel like I was getting closer and closer to meeting my daughter.

"Is there any history of Postpartum Depression in your family?" The doctor asked and I shook my head.

"Not that I know of." I answered, "Are there any signs of it during pregnancy?" I asked because I was very nervous that I would get it.

"There are many signs but these are some of the main ones," The doctor said and handed me a paper with sentences in bullets down the page, I started reading.

Restless and Moody, Not being able to focus correctly, Hedaches, Stomach pains or pains that just won't go away, Memory issues, Losing pleasure in things that you used to enjoy, Guiltiness, Not eating or sleeping enough, Sleeping and eating too much, Not having much energy, Feeling overwhelmed.

It took me a minute to read down the whole list but once I was finished reading I was relieved. I had none of these symptoms, I thanked the gods that I had no symptoms of depression yet. I looked up at the doctor and handed the paper back to him, as he passed it back to me.

"You need to keep this paper." He said, "Some of these symptoms can show up closer to labor and after pregnancy, be on the look out for these symptoms."

I nodded and smiled, "What about Post natal care?" I asked curiously.

"You will be taking some pills," The doctor started off, "And you will come in for post natal appoitments for a few months after your baby is born." The doctor said, and I nodded, "We'll talk about those in more detail at your 30 week appoitment, and we'll also be preforming an ultrasound, I'll see you when you're 30 weeks." He said and smiled, The Doctor walked off of the room and I got out of the chair that I had been sitting in. Percy helped me up and we left the doctors office, hand in hand.

I walked out of the office feeling nervous because I was feeling conflicted.

Hey everyone so first off let me apologize for the long wait on the upload! I was away for much longer than I planned to be and I really missed writing for all of you, I know this chapter is kind of short and wasn't that interesting but, I didn't know what else I could make happen! Just look forward to chapter 39 because that's going to include the baby shower!

I still can't believe that we've come so far in this book, I've almost writter 40 chapters! I'm going to make something very special for the 40th chapter, I just don't know what it will be yet!

Also, I changed the title of this book to Becoming a Family, because I think it sounds better since I'm probably going to be writing about their lives after Lillie is born as well! I hope you don't mind!

I think I'm going to start asking you a question at the end of each chapter and giving you four answers to choose from that you can leave in your comment, so here it goes!

Do you think that Annabeth is going to end up having Post natal depression, or do you think that she will be fine?

1) Of course she will be fine, she's just nervous like any knew mom would be!

2) I think she has some of the signs of Postpartum depression but is too scared to admit it.

3) I think she doesn't have any signs now, but will develop some later on and will end up having it.

4) I'm not sure.

Please just leave the number in the comments and I will read them, thanks for reading!

:) Meg

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