Chapter 17- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 8 weeks

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Hi everyone so before you start reading this, let me tell you that I'm going to start skipping time so I can update more often and not write about every day of her Pregnancy! I hope you like my idea!

I lifted my head from the toilet bowl and sighed. This whole morning sickness thing was really getting old, I'd heard that it left after the first trimester and I hoped that that was true. Percy came up behind me and rubbed the back of my neck.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and handed me a glass of Ginger ale and a plate of crackers.

"Honestly, Terrible." I answered, taking the food from him smiling, "Thanks."

"I've been thinking," he said, "When are we going to tell Athena and Poseidon, I mean I'm sure they already know but we should tell them right, you're 8 weeks."

"Yeah I was thinking about that too." I said, I was dreading telling my mother, "Do you think we should go today?" 

"I wasn't thinking today," he said, "but why not."

"Okay," I said standing up, "I'll go get dressed."

I walked over to our room and did something I hadn't done in a while. I walked over to our full-length mirror and lifted my shirt up, looking to see if I had a baby bump yet. I looked in the mirror, but I still looked the same. I sighed, wondering when I would start to show. But I knew I'd have to start buying some Maternity clothes soon.

I walked into our closet and looked for something to wear, hoping that I would impress my mother. I eventually chose a white blouse, skinny jeans, and some clack flats. Not too dressy, but I wasn't under-dressed.

I walked into our living room and saw Percy standing with my purse, the car keys and a package of crackers. "You need to eat." he said as I walked in.

I took the crackers from him and kissed him on the cheek, he really thought of everything. He smiled and then took my hand in his we walked out to our driveway he was smiling, like he was hiding something.

As we walked out of the door, I covered my mouth and gasped. In the driveway was a Santa fe, the car I had been dreaming of. On the hood there was a yellow bow. I looked over at Percy and he was beaming.

"Percy!" I gasped he Lifted me into his arms, and carried me over to the car Bridle style. I kissed him and he smiled. "How did you---- we can't afford this." I stammered.

"Yes we can," He said opening the passenger door and gently putting me down in the seat, "Anything you need."

"How did you get it?" I asked, "And how did you know that I wanted one."

"I used the money from my savings account," he answered, "Piper told me it was what you wanted, when I asked her, consider it a push gift."

"Thank you Percy," I whispered, "You're such a great man, you'll never know how much I love you."

"Maybe I won't," he said, "but I know how much I love you "

I looked back in the car and saw that the carseat was already installed. "Can I drive?" I asked.

"Of course." Percy answered, "It is your car after all."

I slid over to the Driver's seat and buckled myself in, Percy got in the Passenger seat and I started to back out. I then laughed.

"Should we take the bow off?" I asked

"It'll fall of eventually." he said smiling, "Who's going to judge us anyways?"

We then drove over to the Empire State Building, to tell our parents the news.

When we were in the elevator, I started to get really nervous and I looked over to Percy. "I don't know what my mother will think." I whispered.

"It's okay." he said and squeezed my hand, "We'll get through this together."

We walked into Olympus and I smiled at the design I had created, and the design that I was still working on. We walked into the throne room and I saw my mother sitting patiently, I also saw Aphrodite applying make-up. Poseidon was reading a magazine, it all seemed very peaceful, I didn't see any other gods.

"Annabeth," My mother aknoledged me, and then turned to Percy, "Perseus."

"Hi, Athena." Percy said.

"Mom, Poseidon" I started taking a deep breath, "I'm 8 weeks Pregnant with Percy's baby."

"Congratulations." Percy's father said, winking at Percy.

My mother sighed and then turned towards me smiling, "I guess that's nice, you have to make your own decisions, I suppose."

Aphrodite sashayed over to us and smiled, "We must go shopping soon," She said smiling, "once you find out the sex of course, I suppose we could also buy Maternity clothes," she said looking deep in thought.

"That's nice," I said smiling, normally I would object but I knew that would be rude, "Percy and I are low on funds so It's going to have to be closer to the end of my Pregnancy."

"No," Aphrodite said, "I'd cover it of course."

"Oh wow...." I said, "Thanks."

"I'd also love to plan your Baby Shower. "

"Uh..... sure." I answered, hoping that Aphrodite would not go over the top.

I instantly felt another wave of nausea, not sure why. I tapped Percy on the shoulder and he saw my face.

"Uh..." he said, trying to find words, "I don't think Annabeth's feeling well can we visit later?" Percy asked nervously.

"Of Course." Posiedon answered.

I pointed to the packet in my hands, we brought one of the Ultrasound photos with us, we decided to give the one for my Family to Our parents because we were unable to get in touch with my side of the family.

"Oh!" Percy Exclaimed, "We brought a picture of the seven week ultrasound with us, we'll bring another one from the 11 week ultrasound." He said handing the picture to Athena, who looked at it and smiled and then handed it to Posiedon.

Percy smiled and then waved and we rushed, out of Olympus. I prayed that I'd make it to a bathroom before I vomitted.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Isn't Percy the sweetest husband ever? I'm still stuck on ideas for the next chapter... I'll try to think of something and update ASAP. Thanks for reading!

:) Meg

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