Chapter 35- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 21 Weeks

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I took a deep breath and pulled the Black Maternity dress over my head and onto my body. Today was the funeral for my baby that I won't meet until I'm in heaven. It broke my heart but I was glad that we had the chance to honor our baby. What was left of our baby was buried in the cemetery and the headstone read 'Chase-Jackson, Our angel baby.'

I made sure to put my gold locket over my head where I had put a picture of Percy and I in.

I walked out of our bedroom and saw Percy standing in his suit that he had bought specifically for the funeral/memorial service. I walked over to him and he took my hand in his as a tear fell down my cheek. I took the Roses off of the counter that I had bought to lay on our baby's grave.

We had only invited people who were very close to us. The people who were coming were: Sally, Paul, Thalia, Piper, Jason, Leo, Britney, Mark, Leo (The baby), Athena, Posiedon, Aphrodite, Zeus, Grover, Dr. Kaylor,  and Nico. Thalia and Grover were both staying with us for two weeks after the funeral and I was very excited to see Thalia. I was wondering if she'd notice the difference in my belly, I was really showing now.

We walked out of the car and Percy drove over to where the funeral was going to be held, I had practiced my speech many times I knew Percy had as well. I let my thoughts drift yet again and thought about all of the things that Aphrodite had bought for us in the past week, All of it had came and was put away in the nursery. There was so much stuff! It was unbelieveable!

We arrived at the place we were holding the funeral and I got out of the car, the chairs were already set up and I gave the roses to Percy for a minute so I could go and visit my unborn child. I walked over to the grave and sat down beside it.

"Hey," I whispered, hoping somehow my child would here me, "Mommy's right here, everything's going to be alright." I said and tears fell down my cheeks, "I love you so much" I choked out, "I wish you had never left me and your father, but you're never going to have to worry about anyone forgetting you." I whispered, "Today we're going to honor you." I pulled the locket over my head and put it onto the grave, "I love you, Angel I always will." I touched the baby's grave stone and walked away as tears streamed down my cheeks and I was glad that I only put lipstick on.

Percy took my hand in his and I noticed how sad he looked, I placed his hand on my belly and felt something move, could this be our baby's first kick?

"Percy did you feel that?" I gasped and he nodded, "I think our little girl just kicked."

He nodded and I nodded, "She's honoring her brother or sister with us, she can hear us you know?" I asked and he nodded.

We sat down in our chairs and I saw the pastor arrive who was going to be honoring our baby with us and speaking all we had to do now was wait for everyone else to arrive.

20 minutes later everyone had arrived and we were ready to start the Service, Piper was beside me and Thalia was beside her. They both looked sorry for us and sad.

"Today we are here to honor and remember the death of Annabeth and Percy Jackson's baby who was miscarried at 14 weeks, there are no words to replace their sorrow but we can ease that pain bu honoring their unborn child." The pastor said, "Mr. And Mrs. Jackson have some things that they would like to place on their child's grave."

I walked forward and placed the roses on my baby's grave and went back to my seat and watched as Percy laid down some Tulips on our child's grave and came back to sit down.

"Annabeth Jackson, The baby's Mother has something she would like to say to honor her child." The pastor said and moved from the podium so I could get behind it and speak. I walked up to the podium and cleared my throat.

"I never even knew I was having twins." I said and took a deep breath trying to stop myself from crying, "I thought there was one baby and that was all, but when I found out I had two babies inside of me and I was going to lose one it broke my heart." I took a deep breath as a tear fell down my cheek, "No parent ever wants to hear that they're losing a child, so many thoughts ran through my head when I found that out. I had never even met this baby, I wanted this all to stop. I would be willing to give up my life for that baby," I said, "I just want one day with my child, that is my biggest wish and it always will be. One baby is still inside me, but she will never replace the child that I lost, I will love her with all of my heart and she'll know about her sibling. But the sad thing is she'll never know him. I never understood how hard it was to miscarry and now I do." I said and walked back over to my chair and sat down.

Percy walked over to the podium and cleared his throat, "What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?" He asked the crowd, "Think of that happening but multiply it times two and then you'll get what it's like to lose a child, if you've ever experienced it you know what I'm talking about but if it's never happened to you, you probably have no idea. The pain of loss is always there." He said and swallowed hard, "But the guilt is tremendous, I don't think it ever ends. I feel like I should have done something to save my child and if I had things might have been different. I love my daughter with all of my heart but I don't know if I'll ever feel the same again." He walked away and I knew that wasn't the end of his speech.

"I couldn't do it," He whispered to me as he sat down, "It was too hard."

I nodded and he wiped a tear from his eye, I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek and held his hand.

We drove everybody home and as soon as we were home I got back in bed and heard Thalia open the door.

"Hey." She whispered.

"Hi," I said.

"How're you doing?" She asked.

"Fine, just a little sad because of the funeral." I answered and she nodded.

"I got the invitation to your baby shower today." She said and I smiled, one week after we found out the gender of our baby, she was already planning my baby shower and had sent out invites. Wow, Aphrodite was fast.

I smiled, "Yeah that's kind of early." I said and smiled, "The baby shower isn't until I'm 28 weeks that's two months early."

"I'm definetly going to be coming." Thalia said and I smiled even though she was technically a lot younger than me, she was my best friend and she always would be.

"Thanks." I said and she smiled.

"I'm going to go and get some takeout, Do you want anything?" She asked and I shook my head.

She left the room and I thought about how lucky our baby was going to be. So many people loved her already, I was so excited to bring her into the world. I sat back and decided to read a book.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter and the Funeral. I'm going to tell you something that I've decided to do... The next chapter is going to be at 25 weeks but it will be the last time skip in this book! I promise!

Also I've finally made up my mind about continuing the story after the baby's born.... I am going to be cointuing the Jackson's story for a long time I just haven't decided if I'm going to tell it in another book or If I'm going to write it in the same book.

I'll see you when Annabeth's 25 weeks along!!


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