Chapter 19- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 9 weeks

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I helped Britney get over to Piper's couch- which was now changed into a pull-out bed. She sat down and then she whimpered again. Piper moved over to me and sighed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Her contractions are now five minutes apart," Piper answered, "We don't have the supplies we need over her Dr. Bracco will be here in a minute, but even he doesn't have the tools we need."

"Do you think the baby's going to come." I whispered back.

"I don't know." Piper answered, "We can't check how dilated she is, and we can't give her fluids," Piper answered, lowering her voice, "Even if we could successfully deliver her baby, he'd probably die, Annabeth."

"Gods." I said, "Can, you call Apollo's healers?"

"I could try," she said, "but do you think they'd help a mortal?"

"I hope they will." I said, "Or else a live could be lost, I'm calling Percy."

He picked up on the first ring, "Annabeth are you okay, I worried when you didn't come home."

"Listen, Percy." I started, "I'm fine but a friend of mine's not." I said

"What is it, Annabeth?"

"My friend Britney Rizzoli- she may be in labor, we can't get to a hospital and are waiting for an ambulance, she's only 32 weeks, we're at Piper's house."

"I'm coming to help you." He said

"No- wait Percy," I said, "You can't, I need you to stay at home-- okay."

"Okay, Annabeth." He said

"I love you Percy, I have to go."

"I love you Annabeth." He said, "Bye."

"I'll call you back if something develops." I said and hung up, I walked over to Piper, then we heard her doorbell ring. She ran over to get it and I heard her talking to a man.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Britney.

"I'm really scared Annabeth," She said.

"You'll be okay," I reassured her, "See the doctor just arrived." Right as I said that a middle-aged man walked into the room, a bag in his hand.

"Thanks so much for coming." Piper said.

"It's no problem" Dr. Bracco said and then turned towards, Britney who looked to be in the middle of a contraction, "You must be Britney."

"Yes." She said, "I'm Britney Rizzoli."

"How are you feeling, Britney."

"Not very well." She answered, "I'm only 32 weeks, When will the ambulance be here?" She looked up at Piper

"25 minutes, maybe." Piper answered

"Can you tell how dilated I am?" Britney asked Dr. Bracco

"Luckily I have an instrument that can do that with me," The doctor said and then reached into his bag.

Piper walked over to Britney, "You need to take off the clothes on the lower half of your body," Piper told her gently.

I looked away as Britney took off of her clothes, I was starting to doubt being able to do this. The doctor tapped on my shoulder and I turned around, Britney had covered herself with the sheet on the bed, she gave me a weak smile.

"Do you know how dilated she is?" I asked

The doctor nodded, "10 centimeters," he said, "She still has 2 to go but she's dilating very fast." He said.

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