Chapter 39- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 28 weeks (The babyshower!)

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Hey Everyone, so guess what time it is? It's babyshower time! So go ahead and read on and I will talk to you at the end!

At 6 am in the morning I woke up, hearing the doorbell ring. I wondered who it was at first but then I remembered, today was the big day: my babyshower. I had contacted Aphrodite earlier and asked her to not go too crazy with my babyshower and she said that she wouldn't, I hoped that she had kept her word.

I dragged myself out of our bed and noticed Percy sleeping peacefully beside me, I chose not to wake him up and walked over to the door remembering that I was still in my pajamas, whatever Aphrodite was going to have to deal with that since she woke me up this early. I opened the door and saw Aphrodite, who looked stunning.

She was wearing a pink silk top and blue jeans with silver heels, that were like sandals. She was also wearing sunglasses. She had red lipstick and mascarra on with pink eyeshadow, she smiled and her white teeth gleamed.

"May I come in?" She asked and I opened the door wider immediatly, and as soon as I did I noticed that she had many brown paper bags surrounding her. She scowled as she saw my pajamas and sighed.

She sashayed inside and took her sunglasses off, putting them on the small table by our door. And looked around our home and scowled.

"Could you have cleaned up just a little for me?" She asked and then shook her head, "Come on I supose getting you dressed should be first on our list."

We walked into my bedroom, and I noticed that Aphrodite was bringing a bag with her that was Plastic and larger than all of the other ones, it must be my outfit. I prayed silently that everything would be normal, but I never knew with Aphrodite.

She pulled out a strapless Pink dress that appeared to be very lose and it was beautiful. I took the dress from her and looked behind me, Percy was still asleep so I chose to whisper, "Uh, I'll be in the shower, after I'm done I'll get dressed and do my make-up and hair, uh you can wait or do whatever you want, I'll be out in about 30 minutes."

"I'll go ahead and decorate." She said and I nodded, and walked into our bathroom.

I let my nightgown fall to my feet and stepped out of it, I then walked over to our bathroom counter and took my earrings out looking in the mirror, I then stepped into our walk in shower and let the warm water cover my body. I rinsed my hair out and then shampooed and conditioned it. I took my time and repeated because I wanted to look perfect for my babyshower.

I felt Lillie move and looked down at my stomach and smiled, she was my little girl. This was my baby. I pushed my stomach in where Lillie had kicked and felt her kick again I smiled and then laughed.

"Hey Lillie," I said and felt her turn around, "You're kicking up a storm."

I smiled as she continued to move and washed my body off, and after a few more minutes of savoring the feeling of the water on my body, I got out and walked over to where I had left the dress. I looked at it one more time before I put a strapless bra on and some more panties and pulled it on over my head. It made my babybump look fabulous. I walked over to our mirror and smiled at my reflection. I dried and straightened my hair but then left it at that and worked on my make-up. I chose to dab on a little bit of pink lip-stick and some clear lip gloss and a little bit of mascarra, I loved how I looked and decided to move on to shoes. I chose some pink flats that matched my dress perfectly and then left the bathroom.

I didn't see Aphrodite or Percy in our room, so I assumed that Aphrodite was busy decorating and Percy had left. I hoped that Percy would be able to see me later today, before I was out of my dress and before my hair was back to normal. I walked out into the living room and saw Aphrodite turn to see me as she put some streamers up. She smiled and I looked around and gasped.

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