Chapter 22- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 12 weeks

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Percy and I were helping Britney, her husband Mark and Leo move into their home. It was a two story grey house with a large backyard. Leo had finally been released from the NICU after 25 days in it, that was very lucky considering he was only 32 weeks and 4 days developed.

He was very small and barely cried but Britney and Leo were both very lucky. I didn't realise this when Britney was about to give birth to Leo; but so many things could have gone wrong. Britney could have been bleeding, she could have needed a Ceserean Section and I don't know if we would have ben able to save Leo and also keep Britney safe.

I was finally showing, More than I was a week ago, but I was still pretty small. I was wearing one of my many Maternity dresses, It was grey and came down a little above the knee, it had black stripes and the sleeves didn't cover my shoulders. It was for the earlier months so I didn't even look pregnant.

"Annabeth?" Britney called from the other room as I set a box labeled 'Leo Clothes.' on the floor, "Can you go feed Leo a bottle and watch him for a minute so that Mark, Percy and I can move the couch in?"

"Sure, but I can help move the couch in too." I said.

Percy walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder, "You're pregnant Annabeth," He said gently, "You already had a miscarriage scare, besides someone needs to watch Leo and you can have a little break."

"But I feel so useless." I whispered.

"You're not useless Annabeth." Percy stated strongly, "Not in any way, shape, or form; you are the strongest woman I have ever met but now you're pregnant." He started using a gentle tone again, "And we don't want you or the baby to get hurt, Okay?"

I nodded and smiled at Percy, I'd have to remind him later of the great man he was. I walked over to where Britney was in the other room and saw her holding Leo as he started to cry his sweet, innocent cry.

"You know how to make him a bottle out of formula, right?" She asked and I nodded, looking down at Leo as she handed him to me, "The diapers are over there," She gestured towards a few packets of diapers, "And we finally set the swing up, if he gets really fussy you can put him in there, Thanks a lot Annabeth." She walked out of the room.

"Are you hungry, Baby." I asked Leo, even though I knew he wouldn't respond.

His cries filled the room and I carried him over to where I saw the formula, I placed him gently in his swing so I could make his bottle, but he still cried. I felt like I was cruel since I knew this baby was hungry and it would take a minute to feed him; So I picked Leo up and poured one of the formula packets that Britney already had set up into a bottle that was already filled to the right marker with water.

I shook the bottle, covering the top with my finger and put it up to Leo's mouth, under his nose. He sucked onto the bottle and began to drink, I walked around with him since there was no place to sit in here and eventually he finished about half of it and was done. I burped him like Britney had instucted him to and then put him down in his swing. He quickly fell asleep.

I walked back into the room that was going to be the living room and found Britney. "He's in his swing, he fell asleep." I whispered.

Britney picked up a baby moniter and walked over to me, "Can you put this beside him?" She asked, "We just finished moving the couch, we're going to bring Leo's crib in if he wakes up can you get him and watch him?"

"Yeah, no problem." I said and she smiled.

They walked out of the front door and I heard Leo crying on the baby monitor, I walked back into his room and saw his face and felt sad myself. He was crying and his face was red and he had a huge frown on his face, I ran the rest of the way over to him and picked him up. Judging by the smell he needed a diaper change.

I patted his back and he whined some more, I carried him over to a spot on the floor and grabbed the changing pad, a diaper and the wipes. I took his blue blanket off and unbuttoned his onesie that said 'mommy's litlle leager'. I pulled back the straps on the diaper and pulled it down I reached for the diapers and wipes while Leo calmly sat there, I must be fixing the problem.

I lifted his legs up and wiped him and put him back down, I reached to get a diaper when I got sprayed on my Maternity dress! I laughed and looked back at Leo who had an innocent look on his beautiful face. I strapped his new diaper on and put Leo in my arms again.

I walked out in the living room as I saw Percy and Mark moving the crib in while Britney carried a box labeled 'Diapers' I walked over to Percy and smiled.

"Leo gave me a shower, while I was changing his diaper." I said playfully and Percy laughed.

Britney heard what I said and rushed over to me and looked at Leo who was now smiling. "Annabeth!" She exclaimed, "I'm so sorry, let me take him off of your hands so you can shower." I handed Leo to his mother.

"No, I'm fine." I said, "I don't have any more clothes to wear and he only got me a little."

"Are you sure?" She asked


"Okay then," She sad and looked over toward Leo's nursery, "I'm going to go and put him down in his crib for a nap, I'll be back in a minute."

Percy turned towards my belly, "Hi little man." He said, smiling.

"Since when is our baby a boy?" I asked smiling, thinking of how often I'd probably get sprayed if we had a boy.

"I guess I kind of want my little Luka." He said, still with his hand on my stomach; he then looked up at me, "But I'd be perfectly happy with a little girl as well."

"Me too." I answered.

Later that evening we were finally home and I was holding Dino looking at him, he has the cutest Mew and he was adorable. Snowball explored more, while Dino was more of a lap cat he could sit with you for ages and wouldn't move an inch.

I heard my cell-phone ring and picked it up, "Hello?" I answered wondering who was calling me, I was all alone and Percy was at a meet in work.

"Annabeth, oh my gods Annabeth!" Piper Exclaimed into the phone.

"What's going on?" I asked

"I'm Pregnant!"

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