Chapter 3- Annabeth's P.O.V.

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I was standing by our 4 layer wedding cake Drinking Punch, Percy and I were having a blast at the reception, we had danced for what seemed like minutes but time flies when you're having fun, and it had really been about an hour.

I wasn't paying attention, admiring the wedding cake with white icing and roses surrounding the bases of each layer so, I didn't notice Aphrodite behind me.

"Congratulations." She said nicely, but I knew that something else was coming "It is a very simple wedding, I could have planned it better but I suppose you deserve some slack, You did put that wonderful Fountain in Olympus for me.... hmm."

At the moment I was confused, was I supposed to be Flattered or Angry? She had just insulted and complimented me... in the same sentence. But then, Athena came to my rescue.

"Aphrodite, I'm sure there will be many more times for you to plan weddings." My mother said calmly

"I guess so." Aphrodite said "I'm going to go" She eyed one of Percy's Mortal Friends and walked over.

"Thanks mom." I said, but she was already gone and in her place was Percy.

"Was I interrupting something?" He asked

"No, nothing... Just Aphrodite."

"Oh..." He said "Sorry."

"It's Fine seaweed brain, Athena took care of it."

"Do you have to keep calling me that, now that we're married?" He asked and continued "After all I can't be that dumb, I'm A Marine Enviormental Economist and I teach I also finally--"

"Yeah, Scuba Diving."

He laughed.

"You didn't let me finish." He said sweetly

"Yeah?" I asked

"I married you."

He kissed me and I felt engulfed in love.

"Percy." I said

He took my hand in his and then said  "I think it's tie for us to leave for the honeymoon, you better go change."

I left for the stairs to go to the room I had got my dress on in.


When I got upstairs I gently took off the wedding dress, and put it on the couch. I stepped into the shower (My last shower before my honeymoon!) and rinsed off, I wasn't going to "shower-shower", I had no soap or shampoo. I was just cooling off. After a minute I wrapped a towel around my self and looked in my duffel bag for a elastic band to pull my hair back (My last ponytail before my honeymoon!)  I then put on some chapstick and lipgloss (My last Make-up Application before my honeymoon!) and grabbed my orange camp half-blood tee and put it on, along with my bra (My last-- I guess you've heard enough...)

When I thought I was finally ready to go Aphrodite literally just... appeared on my couch.

"What!" I yelled

"Oh Come on Annabeth." She chided "Don't scream, I'm not trying to kill you."

"You just scared me, that's all," I said "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Oh Come on." She said gesturing towards my camp half-blood tee-shirt and jeans, "You can't go on your honeymoon looking like that" She sounded like I was wearing rags, It wasn't that bad was it?

"You must let me pick out your outfit." She demanded

"No-- I-I can't!" I exclaimed, I knew that If I let Aphrodite go in free rein it wouldn't just be my outfit- it would be my hair and make-up too-- I'd be wearing so much make-up, I'd look like a clown!

"Oh Come on Annabeth!" She Exclaimed "Consider it a thank-you gift from me for that wonderful Fountain."

If I had known she would do this before I designed that fountain, I would have never designed it.

"Please Aphrodite- I don't have time!" I protested

"It will just take a second!"

"Fine... but nothing too much!"

She walked through a door that was supposed to be a cleaning closet and I looked inside and Gasped-- The closet was bigger than this whole room! There were Dresses, shoes, purses, tops, jackets, skirts-- I could go on for hours.

"Just pick something" She said "When I approve of it, you will be wearing it, I won't even have to do your make-up these outfits are enchanted so the matching hairstyle and make-up will apear with the outfit, it will go away when you take it off."

I looked around for a minute, glanced at the time and then chose a red dress with netted long sleeves that came down to my knees with some white sandals, I looked at Aphrodite and then- bam! It was on me, I glanced in the mirror and saw that my curly hair was down, I had red lipstick on and mascarra thank goodness there was no eyeshadow-- that would definetly have made me look like a clown.

I looked at Aphrodite and she waved me away "You may go now."

I walked out of the room and noticed I had a white bag in my hand-- I suddenly wondered what happened to my duffel I reached inside and realised that it was enchanted-- thank the gods-- and that everything was in there I saw Percy outside and he looked at me in shock.

"You look amazing!" He gasped

As we walked towards the limo and everyone was waving the sparklers I saw Piper mouth Sorry to me and I smiled.

"Thanks" I told him

"Aphrodite?" He guessed


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