Chapter 25- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 13 weeks

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Hey everyone so this is a really short chapter so I hope you enjoy! I don't know why I wrote it, I just kind of wanted to get it over with no Cliff hanger! I'm running out of Ideas and I'm starting to get a little of Writer's Block-- So I'm sorry if I don't update as often!! If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments, any ideas are welcome!!! I know you want to read about Annabeth and Percy so I'll stop typing, Again sorry for how short the chapter is, Enjoy!!

I lied, I'm going to keep on typing. I'm going to start a contest for baby names! If you have an idea for a girl name comment it below, whoever wins will get this whole book dedicated to them and I will use your baby name! So go ahead and enter, all you have to do is comment! Enjoy the story!

I rolled Percy up the Ramp that Jason and Leo had helped me assembled and into our home, Percy was finally coming home! He had been in the hospital for 5 days and now I was 13 weeks pregnant, I was finally big and able to actually need Maternity clothes. I was wearing a black dress that came down to my knee and was quite tight, It's sleeves didn't cover my shoulder and It had a belt  right above my small baby bump.

Percy didn't have to always be in a wheelchair but it was a lot easier since he couldn't walk. Sally had also been staying for a few days to help but she had left, Piper had stayed with me but today Jason got home and Piper was going to tell him that she was pregnant; but later tonight at 8 Piper and I were meeting Cailin for ice-cream at Baskin-Robins.

I rolled Percy into the living room and he looked up at me, "Thanks so much Annabeth." He said.

"Of course." I answered, "I'm going to go feed the cats; tell me if you need anything, Okay?" He nodded and I walked into the extra room that we weren't using where we kept the Cat's food and litter box. Snowball was playing on the Cat house thing and Dino was sleeping in his cat bed.

I walked over to The IAMS Bag of food and The Meow Mix, I thought it was Funny that snowball like IAMs and Dino liked Meow Mix. I poured the food and Snowball came over and meowed while Dino stayed sleeping, I decided not to wake him. Snowball ate her food and rubbed up against my legs I decided to go fix Percy and I lunch.

After making turkey and tomato sandwiches for Percy and I, I took it easy for the rest of the day, which was Percy's idea because I was Pregnant. 8 o'clock came fast and I put on some prefume and a little bit of lip-gloss on, I stayed in my dress.

I walked towards the front door and on my way out, I kissed him on the cheek and headed towards my car. I drove to Baskin-Robins and when I got there I saw Cailin sitting at a table, I was a few minutes early and Piper wasn't there yet, I walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hey Cailin," I said, "How are you?"

"Great." She said and smiled, "I'm so glad that we're able to meet," she took a sip of her drink and motioned towards 2 ice coffees, "I ordered something for you guys."

"Thanks." I said and sat down, I took a sip of the delicious drink, "I'm not really supposed to drink coffee, but I guess I can make an exception."

She laughed and smiled, "My fiance came back and apologised." She said smiling.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" I told her "Are you going to take him back?"

"I haven't decided yet." She said and sighed, "God knows that I need the help."

I heard the door ring announcing that someone was walking in, I turned around and saw Piper walk in. She smiled and ran over to our table that seated four and Piper came in and sat down Beside Cailin and I.

"Hi," She said and smiled towards Cailin, "My name's Piper, I'm pregnant as well. I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Hey," Cailin said and smiled, "I'm Cailin I've heard loads about you as well, I ordered some iced coffees for us."

"Thanks." Piper said and took a sip of hers.

"Did you tell Jason?" I asked her.

"Yes" She said.

"How did you do it?" I asked, "What was his reaction?"

"He was very surprised," She said, "I left a pregnancy website left open on our computer and when he went to check his email he saw it, he caught on really fast he's thrilled to become a father and can't wait to announce it to the world." She turned her attentions toward Cailin, "Have you told anyone yet."

She smiled and nodded, "I kind of told everyone when I first found out."

"So did I." I said, "I just couldn't wait."

We talked for about 45 minutesand eventually left, I told Cailin I'd call her again next week so we could get together again and headed home; when I opened the front door I saw that Percy had moved himself to the couch and had fallen asleep. I covered him up with a blanket and headed to our bedroom.

I changed into a pair of pajama pants and fell into a deep sleep, I was glad nothing crazy had happened today.

Hey everyone! Two updates in a day, I'm awesome; I know. I'm going to try to update twice a day but I will try my best to update atleast once a day if I don't make that! I have this feeling that Cailin's going to turn evil, I have no idea, What are your thoughts? I haven't decided anything! Percy, Annabeth and I will see you tomorrow!


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