Chapter 16- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 7 weeks

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I held Percy's hand as we walked back into the Maternity ward. I was finally 7 weeks and we were going in to check up on the baby. I had been nervous for the whole day, praying that our baby would be fine.

Thalia was with us and She was leaving tomorrow, I was glad that she would be able to see our baby before she left. We walked into the waiting room, and I went to sit down with Thalia while Percy wrote our names on the Check-in list. I picked up a magazine but couldn't read it, my anxiety was taking over me.

We waited a few more minutes and then we heard a nurses voice "Annabeth Jackson." We walked through the doors and the nurse led us to a room.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Jackson?" The nurse asked, opening her file folder.

"Great" I said smiling, "Aside from my pregnancy symptoms." I laughed nervously, wondering if she could detect the anxiety in my voice.

"Have you had any more bleeding?" She asked


"That's wonderful." She says making a note on her file folder, "Dr. Kaylor will be with you shortly."

She walked out and, Percy squeezed my hand sensing my anxiety. "Everything will be fine," he whispered, "I'm sure the baby's healthy."

We hear a knock and then Dr. Kaylor walks in smiling. "Hi, Annabeth. I've heard your bleeding's stoped?" He asked

"Yes it has." I said smiling, hoping he'd just go ahead and tell me if our baby was okay.

"Have you had any cramping?" He asked

"None at all."

"Okay, we're going to go ahead and do an ultrasound." He said pulling on some latex gloves

I nodded and grabbed Percy's hand, he kissed my forehead. Thalia smiled,  wondered if she ever regretted giving boys up. I rolled up my shirt and Dr. Kaylor put some clear liquid on my stomach. He then put a device on my stomach that was attatched to a screen that looked like a small Television screen.

It took him about 2 minutes to find our baby and once he found the baby I could tell that the baby had developed a bit in the past week. Not only was there a black blob but by now there was a little white dot in the top corner of the screen.

I looked up at Percy and smiled. "That's our baby." I whispered.

Thalia smiled. "Would you like some pictures." The last time we had an ultrasound we had gotten no pictures.

I nodded and looked over to Percy as the doctor took a picture. "Everything looks fine." The doctor said, "Congratulations."

"Will we need to come in again next week?" I asked

"I wouldn't think so." He said.

"When will we need to come back?" I asked

"We can set up a date now."


"How does August 9th sound?" The doctor asked

"Fine, How far along will I be then?" I asked

"11 weeks." The doctor answered as he wiped the gel off of my stomach.

"When will we be able to find out the gender?" Percy asked, we had finally agreed that we would find out the gender.

"19 weeks, at the earliest." The doctor answered as he peeled off his gloves and tossed them into a small trash can.

"Can we set up that appoitment now?" Percy asked

"Sure." The doctor answered as he pulled out a sheet of paper, as he looked down the list he looked up, "How about October 6?" He asked

"Wonderful." Percy answered as I raised my self out of the chair.

I shook Dr. Kaylor's Hand and smiled, "Thanks so much."

"You're welcome." He answered, smiling back.

I was about to walk out the door when I turned back. "Am I still on bedrest?" I asked, praying that he would say no, but If I was still on it; I could live with it, I'd do anything for our baby.

"I don't think you need to be on bedrest." he answered, "But I'd take it easy, don't workout and try to relax some." he smiled.

"Okay, that's great." I said and walked out of the door, I met Percy and Thalia in the waiting room.

"We're ready." I said smiling.

"Hang on," Percy said smiling. "We still have to get the pictures from the ultrasound."

"Oh right." I answered, I had totally forgotten about the ultrasound photos, I couldn't wait to get them though. I could have a picture of our baby to look at every day, I knew it would be better when we got the 4-D ultrasound at 25 weeks though, then we could see the facial features. Not that there was much to see now.

It was finally our turn in line and we stepped up.

"How can I help you?" The woman working asked smiling.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Chase." I said, "We just had an ultrasound and got some pictures can we get those please?" I asked

"Of course." She said and started working on her computer, typing and clicking the mouse. When she finally finished she looked back up at us. "How many would you like?" She asked.

I looked over at Percy and he smiled, signalling that I could choose. "4" I answered, 1 for Percy's Family, 1 For my Family and, 2 for us.

"That'll be $30.80" she said as she went to go het our pictures from the printer, she handed them to us and I saw that at thee top left hand corner it said "Hi Mom and Dad!" I hadn't even ordered that, but I was glad that it was there.

I smiled and gave one to Thalia so that she could look at it. She smiled and then walked over to me and hugged me. I then looked up at Percy holding back Tears of Joy this was our baby. He held me in his arms andI realized how soon it was going to be until we were going to be a family.

We walked out of the waiting room and I looked up at Percy. "Can we go look at the nursery?" I asked, "and see some of the babies?"

"Of Course." He said.

We then turned and headed towards the nursery, Thalia knew we needed some time so she told us that she was going to a vending machine. We headed hand in hand towards the nursery.

I gasped. Behind the glass window there were many babies that were sleeping, getting fed, and getting checked up on. I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Our baby will be there in March." I whispered.

"Our baby's going to be very lucky." He said and then looked at me, "They're going to have the most beautiful, the most educated woman and the most loving person in the whole world for a mother." he whispered.

"No, Seaweed brain." I said, "They're going to have the sweetest man in the universe for a father, I love you Percy." He Embraced me and I started to cry.

"I love you too." He whispered. He then kissed me passionately and for what felt like years.

And we stayed that way, gazing into each others eyes as we saw how fast our future was unfolding, not caring what other people thought.

Hey everyone! I hope you liked that chapter, I just wanted to add one of my favorite things in... Romance! Maybe somehow I can add Crime shows in....

I hope it wasn't too romantic for you and I hope that you got a little emotional reading this. I know I did writing it! What do you think should happen in the next chapter? I'm starting to run out of ideas! Leave a comment Below!

I hope you're enjoying this story! I promise to update soon!!! Thanks for reading!

:) Meg

P.S.- Please listed to the song on the right! It describes Percy and Annabeth's story it's also by one of my favorite artists-- Bon Jovi!

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