Chapter 9- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 5 weeks

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The next morning, I was sitting in Piper's kitchen with a cup of Hot Chocolate in my hand as I looked on Piper's Laptop for my Due Date of the baby. I was going to go home in a little while to see Percy and schedule an appoitment at my doctor's office, but for know I was trying to figure out my Estimated due date.

I filled out the form and waited as it loaded. And then the date appeared on the screen and I looked up at Piper.

"Well, what is it?" She asked

"March 7, 2014" I said "That means I'm five weeks Pregnant!"

"A march birthday, if it was April.... you could name her April" She joked and then walked over to her fridge and pulled out a cake.

"What's that for?" I asked

"Jason's Birthday was yesterday, and since he was working  I wanted to surprise him. I sent an Invitation to your appartment for the surprise party."

"Oh! Piper I moved in with Percy about a month before our wedding!" I told her

"Oh... oops." She said "But, do you and Percy want to come to the party? It's tonight at six."

"Sure." I said "Can I help you set up? I'm sure Percy will help too, And I know you have to go to work."

"That would be great!" She exclaimed, excitement in her voice "I have to leave in twenty minutes, but I can help until then, I'm going to leave the cake in the refrigerator until the party's about to stop... If I'm not back by 5:45, will you set the cake out?"

"Of course." I said  "But can I see the cake first?"

"Sure!" She said

I walked over to get a better look at it and as soon as I saw it I was in awe. It had 2 layers and said "21" on each layer it had white frosting with grey stars. At the top of the cake it had grey streamers (that looked like stars) coming out of the cake. It looked Amazing... I'd have to do something like this for Percy's birthday.

"Wow Piper.... it's amazing." I gasped

"You think?" She asked nervously "I hope he likes it"

"Oh I'm sure he'll love it!"

"I'm glad, It cost $75!" She exclaimed laughing "I'm going to go get ready, the supplies are in that box" She motioned towards a box over on her counter, beside her dishwasher "Please just put them wherever you want, but please but the banner that says 'Happy 21st birthday Jason!' in the doorway. Thanks so much Annabeth! Oh I forgot something, the cater's will be her at 5:00 please set the food on the table " She then ran towards her bedroom to get ready and I pulled out my Cell.

I typed our home phone's number in and waited for him to pick up. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He said

"Hey honey!" I exclaimed

"Is something wrong?" He asked "do you need me to come and pick you up?"

"No I'm fine" I laughed "I just need some help, Piper has planned a surprise party for Jason, since he was working on his birthday, and we got an invitation; she just sent it to my old appartment. Piper has to work today and  she needs some help setting up so I offered our assistance and I was wondering if you could come and help me out?"

"Sure," He said "So, we're just decorating?"


"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." he said "Love you."

"You too." I said and he hung up the phone. Piper ran out of her room and waved to me as she grabbed her car keys and wallet; and rushed out the door.

Since Percy wouldn't be here for a while, I decided to look in the box of decorations Wow, I thought to myself. She really had everything.

Grey Streamers, White Balloons, Grey Paper Plates, White cups, Banners that said 'Happy Birthday' and the banner that had his name on it, Paper 21's to tape on the walls, 2 grey Tableclothes, White and Grey Swirling garland to hang from the ceiling, and a centerpiece with The number 21 all over it.

By the time we had Piper's appartment decorated, it looked amazing. Sure, it took 4 hours for us to finish it but it did look awesome. The Catering company brought the food just on time and Piper had ordered a lot. Sandwich platters, Brownine Platters, A veggie tray, a fruit tray, and a cheese platter. By 5:45 we were exhausted and were waiting for Piper to come home.

"So I guess calling your doctor is going to have to wait." Percy said, mentioning a subject that I had forgotten about for the whole day.

"Oh, I forgot!" I exclaimed "We'll call them tomorrow."

Right then Piper opened the door to her Apartment as more guests followed her in. Rachel and Grover had already arrived. The people with Piper were; Thalia, Clarisse, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Drew. Who I did not know was invited.

"Hey Percy!" Thalia exclaimed

"Hi Thalia, I didn't know that you were coming."

"My brother's turning 21! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Annabeth!" She exclaimed next, almost knocking me over with the force of her hug.  "I havn't seen you in so long! I missed you." 

"I missed you to, Thalia." I said and then grinned "We have big news" I looked up at Percy and he nodded.

"What?" Thalia asked

"We're Expecting!" I exclaimed

"Oh my gosh, when did you find out? How far along are you??" She asked

"We just found out last night, I'm 5 weeks and I'm due on March 7, 2013!"

"Wow congrats guys!" She said happily

and then Piper looked out the window and yelled! "Everybody he's on his way let's get ready to give him the surprise of his life!"

He walked in and we all yelled "Surprise!"

His face was hilarious, he looked so shocked, he literally dropped the pizza he was carrying. He didn't even pick it up as soon as he was back to normal, he walked over to Piper and kissed her for atleast 15 seconds.

The rest of the party went by really fast we ate and congratulated Jason on finally being 21. But the cake was the best part Jason was so surprised and happy about this and the best part was, is that he thought that Piper had forgotten.

The cake was delicous and soon it was time to go back home on the way out I realised how much my life had changed in 24 hours. Now I was pregnant.

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