Chapter 27- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 14 weeks

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Hey guys! I'm still stuck :( but I hope Writer's Block ends soon! So here it goes; I hope you enjoy!

We arrived at the hospital about 45 minutes later, and rushed to the maternity ward as soon as I was in a wheelchair that Piper had offered to push since Percy had crutches. We made it there and were led into a room I was directed to get on the bed as the nurse was about to ask me questions.

"Hi, Annabeth," The woman said smiling, "Can you explain to me what's going on to me please?" She asked and pulled a clipboard out.

"I woke up about an hour ago with cvery painful cramps and I then went to the bathroom and saw that I was bleeding." I said shakily.

"Do you know if you're still bleeding?" The nurse asked.

"No," I answered, "Not for sure but I think I am."

"Have you had any mild cramping before tonight?" The nurse asked as she jotted something down.

"No," I answered, "I've been eating healthy and taking my prenatel vitamins, I haven't worked out any and I've been taking it easy, Do you have any idea why this is happening?" I asked.

"There could be many reasons, but at the second I have no clue; Dr. Kaylor will see you in a minute." She said and smiled as she walked out of the door.

I looked over at Percy and Piper, Percy had sat down and so had Piper. We heard a knock on the door and I saw Dr. Kaylor enter the room smiling and wearing gloves.

"Hi Annabeth." He said, "I'm going to take a blood sample and then I'm going to do an ultrasound."

I nodded and he walked over with a needle and a cotton ball, he rubbed my arm with some alcohol and pricked me with a needle. I didn't even notice the pain I was deep in thought, worrying about losing my baby. Dr. Kaylor looked at me and he appeared to be saying words but I didn't hear anything, he walked out of the room and I was confused. I looked over at Percy.

"What did he just say?" I asked and I felt stupid.

"That he's going to do the ultrasound after he takes your blood sample to the lab." Percy answered, who now looked really scared and I'd never seen Percy like this before.

I took a deep breath and thought about how scared I had been last time but nothing had happened, I told myself that this would be the same. A few seconds later Dr. Kaylor walked back in and I rolled up my shirt, knowing that he was going to preform an ultrasound.

The doctor walked over to me and rolled some of the gel and got the machine turned on, he then put the cord on my stomach and looked around on the screen, Just seconds after he started looking I saw our baby!

"Oh my gosh Percy!" I exclaimed,"That's our baby!" I then looked over at Dr. Kaylor, "Is it alive?" I asked, hoping for the best but dreading the worst.

"I think so," Dr. Kaylor said staring intently at the screen, "Let's check for a heartbeat, then we'll know for sure."

He did, and then a minute later I heard my angel baby's heartbeat! I was so shocked and pleased that my baby was alive, but then there was a very important question: If my baby was alright then why was I having all of these miscarriage symptoms and had been to the hospital twice.

"Do you know why I've had all of the miscarriage symptoms if I'm not miscarrying?" I asked the doctor.

"Honestly, no." He answered, "If I didn't know any better I'd say that you were carrying twins and you lost one."

"But we didn't see any twins." I said

"Sometimes Twins hide behind each other and their heartbeats echo each other, But I think we're going to wait for you to miscarry naturally instead of doing surgery so we won't hurt the other baby, You're going to be having some more cramping but don't worrk; everything is fine we'll be monitering the alive baby but I'm not positive that there is another one it's just a theory okay and since the other baby looks healthy I doubt you're miscarrying it, Call me back over when you have more cramps." Dr. Kaylor said and headed towards the exit.

He walked out of the room and I couldn't be excited anymore that our baby was alright, I could've been carrying another child as well and it might die tonight. That broke my heart and I knew it broke Percy's too. I praed that the doctor was wrong and that there was only one healthy baby inside of me and I was just having bleeding for some weird reason.

Just then another cramp hit me.

Hi Everyone, sorry for leaving you there but I have to stop writing! I'll try to update tomorrow and I'm glad that I was able to update twice in one day! Thanks for reading and be sure to comment what you think is going to happen! Do you think that Annabeth was pregnant with twins and is going to lose one of them or do you think that it's just another scare and she and the baby are going to be fine!

Sorry for leaving you with 2 cliffhangers in a row I just know if I were to continue writing this chapter from where I am currently it would take me a long time to finish and this would be a very long chapter!!

I feel like I'm starting to get more ideas, I'm not going to tell you any of them but this story is going to have a lot of twists and turns!!

Also on another note, I'm going to be starting a new book soon (hopefully) since I've been writing this one for over a month, when I get to the two month mark I want to write another book that doesn't have pregnancy in it! So when that happens this book might not get update as fast as I usually update but I'll still update as often as I can! And If I'm still writing this book at the end of the summer I'll only be updating on weekends (Sorry but school is going to be more important)

I've kept you long enough so I'll go ahead and go! More updates coming your way soon, thanks for reading!


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