Chapter 4: Hinting

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         The next morning Chris wakes up and takes a shower before getting ready for the day, Chris, a Physical Therapist. He stands at the sink, drinking his coffee and looking out the window in some dress pants, a white undershirt, his button-up shirt undone and tie around his neck. He doesn't hear Kelsey come downstairs.

          She comes up behind him, running her hands around his back and wrapping her arms around him—kissing up his neck. "Hey handsome," she greets, acting like nothing happened the night before.

          "Morning, you feeling okay?" Chris asks, rinsing out the mug.

          "Not really, maybe I drank more than I thought last night," buttoning Chris' shirt. "So what are you going to do today?" kissing him softly.

          "I have to work," Chris smiles. "What do you have to do?"

           "Nothing," shrugging, "Daddy wants me to come in to help at the office, but I think I'm going to stay here." Kelsey's family very wealthy. "Stay here with me," Kelsey kissing his neck.

          "I wish I could but you know I have patients all day today."

          Kelsey frowns and shrugs, "So what? I told you that you should quit and just come to work for my dad."

          "I'm happy where I'm at. You know that right? Plus, your dad works in a marketing firm, that's not my area of expertise. My degrees wouldn't help me," winking at her.

          "You know my dad doesn't care. He wants to keep it in the family and when we are married someone is going to have to take it over, and it's not me."

          Hinting marriage again, Chris smiles a little, Kelsey never working a day in her life—always relied on her dad to pay for almost everything. Now she expects Chris to.

          "One day you'll agree to me," Kelsey rolls her eyes smiling, leaning up and kissing him softly. "I might go shopping while you're out then. I'm going to redo the living room, and maybe I'll stop and look at some rings to help you out," Kelsey winks, pushing getting engaged once more.

         "You know it's not cute when you keep suggesting it," tying his tie.

         "Come on you know it's a matter of time," Kelsey says. "Wait, oh my god did you already buy it?"

         "I got to go to work," leaning down and kissing her before getting in his car and heading to work.

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