Chapter 26: Lunch Like Old Times

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          Through the course of the next few days, Chris has noticed that Malik has been brought up a lot more. It's the day of the baby shower, scheduled at four that afternoon, so Chris doesn't have to miss a full day of work. Sitting at the desk, filing some paperwork as his phone dings indicating a text message.

          "Hey, I'm sorry for everything a couple of days ago. Can we just be friends again? Lunch?" the text reads from Kendall.

          "Can you meet right now?" texting her back, the time reading 12:27.

          "Sure that desperate huh? Yeah where at?"

          "The cafe down from my office?"

         "Yeah meet you there in 10."

          When Chris walks in, he sees Kendall sitting at the table on her phone, walking up.

          "Hey," Chris greets.

       "Hi," Kendall smiles, pushing her sunglasses up. "How's it going?"

          "It's going. So, um Mason is going to be here like a lot sooner than we thought."

          "Uh oh looks like you're going to have less time to get into daddy mode. Do you have everything done?" Kendall asks.

          "Yeah, I just finished the bedroom so it's ready and now it's just waiting for him."

          "Looks like she had her mind set on getting pregnant earlier than you thought."

          Chris shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, I don't know. She's been talking about Malik for a while."

        "Malik...who is he?" Kendall says.

          "The new marketing guy."

          "Chris, are you trying to tell me you are worried about something between the two?" Kendall kinda laughs.

          "She talks about him all the time," Chris sighs.

         "Chris let's get real here. I don't see Kelsey ever being with a black man. You know her dad would be against it and no offense but not many guys go after pregnant ladies unless it's their own baby of course."

          "I'm not gonna think about it."

          Kendall reaches over and grabs his arm, "No I didn't mean it like you thought—God I don't think she'd cheat on you. She'd be an idiot to do so, and I'm saying that as a friend."

          "I'm just ready for him to be here."

          "I'm sure you are," squeezing his arm. "Soon as he gets here, you're going to be obsessed, and I'll never see you again."

         "Not true," Chris smiles. "Mason's gonna need some Aunt Kendall time," he winks.

          "Oh trust me I plan to spoil that boy. I already have a few gifts for him."

         "And that does not surprise me," Chris winks at her.

          "Come on what girl doesn't want to spoil her best friend/ex-hookup/whose baby mama you can't stand son?"

          "Well I know he'll be properly spoiled by his favorite aunt," Kelsey winks.

          "Damn right I'll be his favorite. So, have you talked to Alex lately?"

          "Not for a couple of weeks. I know he's been busy with work."

         "He has been but the last couple of times we have been together he brings up when we get married, or we will do that when we are married. I just wanted to know if he mentioned anything to you about it but nevermind," Kendall sighs.

          "He's talking marriage already?"

          "Yes," Kendall groans.

         "Maybe we should hook him up with Kelsey," Chris laughs.

        "Not funny," Kendall says unable to stop smiling.

         "You're smiling."

         "Only because it's crazy. Speaking of, so are you putting a ring on your baby mama's finger?"

        "Will you quit referring to her as my baby mama?" Chris laughs.

        "Come on Chris, okay well my question still stands?"

        "And the answer to your question, I don't know," shrugging his shoulders. "I really do miss you, Kendall."

          "I know, I miss you too Chris you know I'm always here for you."

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