Chapter 30: Startling Discovery

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           In the middle of the night, Chris is shaken awake by Kelsey. Her shouting his name.

          "The baby is coming," Kelsey groans, gripping his arm.

          Chris shoots out of bed, pulling on a shirt and a zip-up hoodie before helping Kelsey to get dressed and making their way to the hospital.

        He is getting her into a room, the contractions beginning after her doctor breaks her water. All of her family and Chris's arrive shortly, all awaiting baby Mason. After seven hours of labor, Chris gets a text from Kendall.

        "Good luck! You better send Aunt Kendall pics right away! ;)"

        Before he can even text her back, he hears Kendall scream and rushing into the room and holding her hand—ready to push.

       "Are you ready for this?" the doctor asks.

       They both nod.  

         Kelsey begins to push, Chris holding her hand and encouraging her the whole time.

        "Well he has a lot of black curly hair," her doctor smiles. Chris doesn't think anything of it since Kelsey has long black hair. After a few more pushes, Mason screams—new life entering the world.

          Chris watches the nurse hand the baby to him, his face in shock. Mason's complexion dark.

         "Babe, what's wrong?" Kelsey asks trying to sit up, thinking something is wrong with Mason.

        "I'm sorry I can't," Chris says softly, the doctor handing Mason to Kelsey as Chris walks to the door.

         "Chris please!" Kelsey cries out to him, holding Mason. Kelsey's mom and dad rush in seeing Chris walk out, seeing immediately why he left. Her dad was livid as he calls Malik.

         "Honey what's wrong?" his mom stops him.

        "It's not mine," Chris getting teary eyed.

         His mom wraps her arms around him, his dad patting his back. "You sure son?"

          "He's black," Chris says, running a hand through his hair.

          "You were right then about Malik, I'm so sorry honey," his mom says kissing his cheek. "I'll go get your things and let's get out of here."

         Chris starting to cry a little more, all he wants to do is see Kendall but staying with his parents. They begin to walk away, Malik walking through the double doors. Chris's dad blocks his path to Malik to make sure nothing happens.

         "You son of a bitch I knew you were a slimy piece of shit!"

         "Chris it's not worth it," his dad says, keeping a tight grip on his son.

         "Look, man, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

        "How the hell do you not know? You obviously hooked up with her!"

          Malik smirks, "we did, but she told me it wasn't mine."

          "Well, it's a boy, congratulations," Chris walking away.

         His parents take him back to their house, unsure what to do.

        All in shock.

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