Chapter 11: Leaving the Fun

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          For the next few days, Chris and Kendall text a few times to meet up for lunch, but Kendall is either too busy, or their schedules didn't match up. It's the day of Alex's party and Ms. Perlman's retirement party, Chris and Kelsey are running errands; getting Chris's suit and Kelsey's dress.

          Later that evening Chris is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, tying the tie—hearing his phone ding on the kitchen counter. Kendall's name popping up.

          "See you tonight?" the message reads. Before he's able to text back, Kelsey walks in, sliding it in his pocket. They finish getting ready.

          Arriving at the retirement party, Kelsey immediately walks up to her parents the moment they step through the door.

         "Glad you could make it son," Kelsey's father says shaking his hand.

         "Glad to be here sir," Chris smiles returning the handshake, Kelsey wrapping her hands around Chris's upper arm.

          Kelsey drags him around to all the top employees and re-introducing him to all to them. She begins to brag about how Chris will be a part of the company soon. So not to cause argument in a public setting, Chris nods. Chris is not planning to join the company.

         Later on in the evening, Chris and Kelsey are sitting at a table. Chris looks over, "I'm gonna sneak out of here for a bit and go see Alex," he starts to get up.

        "I wish you were staying a bit later," Kelsey frowns.

        Chris nods as he walks away from the table and checking in his pocket for his keys and phone. As he looks up, Kelsey's dad walks over—crossing paths.

          "Off so soon Chris?" he says smiling, his face pink and Chris can tell he is well on his way to being drunk.

          "Just stepping out for a few sir. Are you doing okay?" placing his hand on her dad's shoulder.

          "I understand son if I could I would have left long ago," her dad smiles as he starts on his way. He then stops and turns back to Chris, almost stumbling, "Let me know when you want to talk about asking for Kelsey's hand in marriage."

         Chris nods, wanting to be respectful, "Yes sir," as he walks away and heads to Alex's party.

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