Chapter 40: Resting Up

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          An hour later, after extensive tests and checking on the baby, Chris is allowed back to see Kendall. Walking into her room, in a hospital gown, IV's in her arm and covered up she sees him, a weak smile forming on her lips.

          "Hey," Kendall whispers. "I'm sorry I ruined the night."

          Chris smiles, pulling a chair to her bed, "you didn't ruin anything. What did the doctor say?"

          "Apparently my body hates me," Kendall laughs. "All my levels are off, and I'm dehydrated which of course directly affected the baby. My body is having a hard time holding her, so I need to rest per doctors' orders."

          "Well I'm glad you're okay," Chris smiles. It's almost midnight.

          "I'm fine really," sliding her hand in Chris's. "Thank you for bringing me here, but you don't have to stay, I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow. They said they want to watch me and her overnight."

          "Well looks like you have a hospital roomie," Chris winks at her, yawning a little.

          "You're the best you know that?" Kendall smiles, squeezing his hand. "So I've been putting off thinking of names for her."

          "Do you have any potential names?"

          "Hm, a couple. I like Abigail, Linley or Chelsea. Do you have anything in mind?"

          Pulling his hand away, moving his elbows on his knees and leaning forward, "I really like Linley."

           "Me too, it's my favorite," Kendall exclaims, their eyes lock. "Come here," Kendall whispers pulling him in to kiss her.

          "You need to get some rest," Chris advises, kissing her forehead.

           She nods her head as Chris pulls away and makes a makeshift bed out of the chairs, kind of hard to do, but falling asleep nonetheless.

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