Chapter 3: Crushing On Hamilton...Still

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          "So what's going to happen with you and Chris?" Alex, a mutual friend of Kendall and Chris—Alex taking her home.

          "Well, I don't think anything is going to happen even if I wanted too. Kelsey is going to stop it," Kendall shrugs.

          "You hate her, don't you?"

          "I don't know why we just never have gotten along. I don't know if it's Chris or just her attitude or if it's because she thinks she is better than anyone else."

          "You have a thing for Hamilton?" Alex smirks.

          "No, I don't have a thing for Chris," she shrugs trying to deny that she's always had a small crush on Chris. Alex pulls up to her driveway. "Whatever, I'll talk to you later," she smiles before getting out and heading inside. 

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