Chapter 53: Vacation Ready

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           The night before their vacation, they're finishing packing—having to get stuff between Chris's place and Kendall's. Since the night Chris opened up to her, she has gone out of her way to be nice and holding things back which is making it almost just as bad.

           Laying on the bed and looking at his phone, completely exhausted from the day, Chris looks over at Kendall—going through all her clothes packing and repacking. He smiles watching her try to fit everything in the suitcase and finally being able to zip it up. Kendall sighs—looking up at Chris.

          "You done?" Chris winks at her.

           "Thanks for your help," Kendall laughs, sticking her tongue out at him.

           "You're welcome."

           Kendall smiles, coming over and getting on the bed next to him—rolling half onto him. "You ready for tomorrow?" Kendall asks, kissing him a few times.

           "Yes, more than ever."


            "Our flight leaves at 9:35 in the morning."

           She groans looking at the clock already midnight, "why did you book it so early?"

           "I wanted to get the hell out of dodge."

            "I know it will be a good distraction from everything. I hope things get back to normal between us."

            "Yeah me too," Chris says, closing his eyes. The pair fall asleep moments later.

            Forgetting to set the alarm as they begin to wake up, almost seven in the morning, "Chris we are going to be late," Kendall pushes him, freaking out.

            "Babe it's fine. We'll get there in time," Chris smiles as he gets up and getting dressed.

            "If we miss this flight..."

             "You have no faith in my driving skills," Chris smiles trying to lighten the mood.

            "Right," Kendall laughs.

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