Chapter 38: Awkward Day

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          After meeting up with her friend she makes her way back to her office, noticing Chris's car at his own office wondering why he's there on the weekend. She pulls up and gets out walking inside.

           "Chris?" she calls out. She walks into the building and sees him sitting at the desk, headphones in his ears as he's doing some paperwork. Not hearing her come in. He nods his head to the music not hearing her knock the first time. She knocks again a little louder.

          "I don't need anything Claire," Chris says without looking up. Claire being his secretary.

          "Chris!" Kendall says louder, pulling one of his headphones out of his ear. "It's not Claire," they're eyes locked.

           "Oh shit...hey sorry," Chris smiles taking the other headphone out.

           "Hey," Kendall says, feeling a little awkward and wondering why she even came. "I um I just wanted to see you."

          "I've wanted to see you too."

          She nods sitting down, "I know I'm sorry for avoiding you."

          "Uh yeah. Uh, it's okay. How are you feeling?"

           "I'm good really. She's doing well too," running a hand over her belly.

           "It's a girl?" Chris smiles, not knowing since Kendall's been shutting him out.

          "Yeah, she is. I only found out recently."

          "Do you care if I uh touch your stomach?" Chris asks softly.

           "Of course," Kendall smiles, "she's yours too," as Chris walks over. "I can feel her move around, but you can't really feel it yet, she's actually settled down a lot, I barely feel her anymore."

          Chris kneels in front of Kendall and slides his hand over her stomach, moving it around a little as they don't say anything. Kendall watches him, her heart melting a little when Chris runs his hand over her belly.

           "I miss you, Chris," Kendall says softly.

           "I miss you too," Chris says smiling, feeling a soft kick to his right hand.

           "Did you feel that?" Kendall smiles.

          "Yeah, she kicked."

          "That was the first time she's kicked hard enough to feel. She must have known it was you," Kendall says softly. Chris walking back to his desk, "how have you been?" 

          "I've been okay. You look good, pregnant is a good look for you."

          Kendall blushes, "Thank you. I'm really enjoying it, besides the morning sickness," sliding her hand back on her belly. "I'm glad this happened actually. I'm really excited for her to be here."

          "I'm sorry for being an asshole that day," Chris says.

          "No Chris don't be. I didn't really tell you in the best way, and I didn't give you a chance."

           "What are you out doing?" Chris asks.

          "Nothing, I was with Sarah and was just heading home and saw your car and the next thing I knew I was coming through the door," Kendall smiles.

          "Well, I'm happy you stopped by. Um, do you wanna come over for dinner?"

          "Yeah I would love to," Kendall smiles standing up. "I'm sorry to just drop in I'm sure you were busy."

          "No, it's fine um my house about seven-ish?" Chris asks, a little surprised she agreed.

          "Yeah seven works for me. I'm not trying to convince you of trying to be with us. I just really missed you," Kendall says softly and leaning against the door.

          Chris nods as Kendall walks out, finishing his paperwork.

          Walking down the aisle at the grocery store getting a few items for dinner as Malik, Kelsey and the baby are on the other end. Chris clenches his jaw, beginning to turn around to avoid them.

           "Chris hi!" Kelsey calls out, holding Mason across her.

           "Hey," Chris says softly. He glances over at Malik and then back at her.

          "How have you been?"

          "I've been good, dang he's getting big," Chris smiles, Mason, a cute kid.

           Kelsey smiles, turning so Chris see him more, "Yeah he's about to be four months. He's the best thing that ever happened to me."

          "Well congrats," Chris nods.

           "Thank you, it was great seeing you," Kelsey says kissing Chris's neck.

          "Yeah have a good night," Chris nods and watching them walk away Chris finishes his grocery shopping.

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