Chapter 25: Getting Closer

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          The next couple of months Kendall and Chris haven't talked much after the whole charity incident. On the bright side, Chris has seen a complete turnaround in Kelsey. Alex and Kendall started seeing each other more often, and Chris is trying to get used to it. Also in the last month and a half, Kelsey and Chris have found out they're going to be parents.

          "Well, congrats to you and Kels. That's great," Kendall smiles, her smile fading.

          Chris leans back in his office chair, "You don't have to be happy if you don't want to," seeing her face.

          "What do you want me to do Chris? But no, I am happy for you. I can see you are happy. You'll be a great dad. Is your mom excited?"

          "Yes more or less."

          "More or less?" Kendall smiles. "So how far along is she? Do you know if it's a boy or girl?"

          "She's about three and a half, and it's a boy. How's Alex? You guys?"

          "I can see you being great with a little boy. Everything has been going really well."

          "I've missed you, Kendall," taking a sip of his water, setting the bottle back on his desk.

          "I've missed you too. I miss having you in my life."

         "I miss that one night," Chris laughs a little.

          "No Chris you can't do that," Kendall shakes her head. "You can't say how much you missed me and talked about that night or any of those other nights we had it's unfair."

          "I'm sorry."

          "Sorry for what? You don't want me. You had your choice, and you get your happy ending with a son, and you're going to live happily ever after," Kendall sighs, standing up.

           "Kendall," he stands up and grabs her arm.

          "What Chris?"

          After taking a deep breath, he pulls her closer to him and hugs her, kissing the top of her head—pulling her in an embrace. Kendall relaxes in his arms as she slides her hands on his chest.

          "I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said," Kendall apologizes, stepping back a bit looking up at him.

          "Yeah you did," Chris smiles kissing her forehead, "but it's okay."

          "Okay I did, but I shouldn't have said it," Kendall kisses his cheek. "This isn't a good idea. I should not have come over here," Kendall sighs pulling away.

          "I'll let you go."

          "But I do miss you and those nights, and I miss us just being friends," Kendall admits stopping at the door.

         "I miss that too," Chris says as Kendall walks out and closing the door behind her.

          Chris's phone ringing.

          "Hey, Kels," Chris answers.

          "Chris where are you? I'm at the doctor's office waiting for you. We had an appointment at 12:30," Kelsey says annoyed.

          "Shit, I'll be there in ten minutes," Chris says as he hangs up and gathers his stuff and heading out before his next client at 2:00 p.m.

          Arriving at the doctor's office, he walks to the room and sees Kelsey. She's annoyed. He sits down and apologizing just as the ultrasound tech begins. He moves the wand around on Kelsey's swollen belly, looking at the monitor.

          "Hmm, we might have misread his due date. He measures a bit more than he is supposed to, that or he is developing a lot quicker than he should be. I'm calling a month early."

          "Really?" A smile on Chris's face.

          "Are you sure?" Kelsey asks.

          "Yes ma'am," cleaning up the gel.

          "Wow I guess we are going to be moving things along faster than before," Kelsey laughs and sits up, pulling her shirt down.

          "Congrats you two, you're a great couple," the tech says handing them pictures of the ultrasound. He then leaves to give them privacy.

           "So a month more huh?" Chris asks looking down at the picture. "Are we really ready for this?"

          "What do you mean Chris?" Kelsey asks nervously. "I mean we have to be ready whether we are ready or not. Do you not want to be there for him?"

          "Of course. Why would you ask me that?"

          "Because when we talked about it initially you didn't want kids and I got pregnant anyway," she says softly.

          "Baby I'm gonna be there," he kisses her softly.

          "I love you so much. I can't wait for him to be here."

          "Me too, let's get you home prego," Chris winks at her.

          Kelsey laughs, "Maybe all this prego business has made me crazy," she grins, Chris and Kelsey walking out to their cars. "So the office is holding me a baby shower this week, can you come?"

           "Um yeah, I can see what I got going on."

          "Invite your mom too," Kelsey says as she pulls out her phone. "Everyone is going to be there, and dad wants you to come."

          "Of course he does," Chris mumbles.

         "Babe, he gets it you don't want to work at the company okay?"

         "Then how come he keeps trying to push me."

        "Come on he is teasing. He likes to get you riled up. I think he has his eyes set on Malik anyways."

        "Who's Malik?"

        "The new marketing director we hired. I swore I told you about him."

          "He was the African American male, the bigger one that was annoying the shit out of me?"

         "When did he annoy the shit out of you? You met him for five seconds, but yes that's him. He's a really great guy if you give him a chance babe."

         "Okay," Chris says as they get in their cars and head home.

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