Chapter 62: Surprising Request

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          For the next couple of weeks, Chris has been over at Kendall's to put together the rest of her stuff. Sierra hasn't liked it. Chris has also been to the park a lot with Ollie so Addison can play with him.

          Just getting home from Kendall's, he lays on the bed completely exhausted.

          "Hey baby, how was your day?" Sierra asks, walking out of the bathroom. She starts to pull his shirt off.

          "It was good, a little tiring but good. Yours?"

          "You've been working late a lot, new clients?" Sierra asks, her fingertips tracing along the top of his shorts.

          "Not tonight babe," Chris pushing her hand away.

          "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

           "No, of course not," kissing her palm. "I'm just tired."

           "You weren't really at work, were you? Where were you?"

          "I told you I was going over to Kendall's to help put together her daughter's plaything."

          "No, you didn't tell me," pushing off Chris. "You've been spending a lot of time there."

          "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help her since the dad of her two kids is nonexistent."

          "I know you have a history with her. Do you want to be with her instead of me?"

          "Babe, no of course not," kissing her forehead.

          "Okay, that's all I wanted to know," Sierra nods her head. "Is this going to be ongoing, you always going to help her?"

          "No, I'm just helping because she's pregnant."

          "I just don't like that you're there. I know it's harmless or whatever but I'm just honest. I don't want you to go."

          "I'm not gonna leave."

          "Yeah, but does she know that?"

          "Of course," Chris nods.


          Leaning against the headboard in bed, Sierra asleep beside him he is catching up on his paperwork. His phone lights up.

          "I'm sorry I'm texting you so late, but I have a favor to ask. Not that I haven't already been asking you a ton lately," the text reads from Kendall.

         "And what would that be?" Chris texts back.

         "You can say no but I'm going to this preschool tomorrow to check it out for Addison and they are pretty tough to get into and I just don't think going as a single mom helps. So would you mind coming along?"

         "So play her dad?" Chris texts back.

         "No not like that, well I guess sort of. I don't think you would really have to define anything."

         "Well I'd love to," Chris texts back, remembering the sorry excuse for a father that is Addison's dad.

         "Thank you, see you in the morning?"

          "I believe so."

         "I'll come by the office at 9 then. Thanks again Chris you have no idea how great you've been the last few weeks."

          "You're welcome," Chris smiles seeing the message. 

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