Chapter 39: Dinner Turned to Hospital Visit

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          At seven-twenty that evening, Kendall pulls up to Chris's house—knocking on the door. The door opens, standing Chris. "Hey," he smiles. "I was starting to think you were going to stand me up."

          "No of course not, you know I can never get anywhere on time."

          "Come on in," Chris stepping back.

          "It smells great in here," walking in. "You were always such a good cook."

          "Well I'm trying to accommodate you being pregnant so I kinda did a little research on what is good for the baby and you so I'm making baked salmon and veggies. It's gonna be topped with tomatoes and onions and a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. And with some roasted broccoli and garlic, because you need nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, stuff like that."

        "Wow, you researched and did all this for the baby and me?" Kendall asks impressed. "That's so nice of you Chris, and it sounds delicious."

          "Of course, I have to make sure I'm feeding you right."

          Kendall glances over at the salmon baking in the oven, "you're the best. Is it weird that I feel like I'm on a first date with you?"

           "No, it means I'm doing everything right," sliding his hand on Kendall's hip as he moves around and opens the oven to take out the salmon.

          "I think I just want to impress you."

          "You impress me?" Chris smiles.

           "Shush," pushing him lightly, "you are doing everything right which makes me want to impress you more."

           "Why do you feel like you need to impress me?"

            "I guess because I wasn't me when I was ignoring you those months and I was worried you forgot how I am and because you're incredibly handsome."

           Chris smiles, pouring himself a glass of wine. "Do you want me to pour your water in a wine glass so you can pretend?" Chris winks.

          "Thanks for trying to include me," Kendall smiles, handing him the bottle of water, "I miss wine," pouting.

           Chris pours her water into the wine glass and handing it to her.

           "Thank you, what should I do?"

          "Nothing you just relax," Chris winks at her, grabbing plates to set the table.

          "Okay okay I will," Kendall sitting down, beginning to eat.

           "Are you taking your vitamins and stuff?"

          "Yes Dr. Hamilton I have been," Kendall teases. "My actual doctor has been on me constantly about it."

          "Good. Is she moving?" Chris asks as Kendall slides her hand on her stomach.

          "Yeah, she must love the food too," Kendall smiles then closing her eyes.

           "You alright?"

           "No, yeah I'm fine, just hurts a little sometimes. Really I'm fine."

            "Okay," Chris says.

          After the delicious meal and cleaning up, Kendall and Chris both make their way to the couch sitting down.

          "So Chris what do you want to do?"

          "What do you mean?"

          "I don't want to push you into anything," Kendall bites her lip, "I was just wondering where you see yourself with the baby...or me?"

           "I'm gonna be there," moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

           "I'm glad," leaning over and kissing him. "I have an ultrasound in two days if you want to see her."

          "I would love too," Chris smiles and leaning down kissing over her stomach.

          "I think I should head home," Kendall yawns, "it's getting late," running her fingers over his hair not wanting to stop him.

         "You don't have to leave."

          "I probably should. Maybe it's better for us to take it slow. I mean you were just fine without me, and I just decided to show back up, I don't want to overwhelm you."

           "You're not overwhelming me," Chris sits up.

          "Good I was worried about that," Kendall says, her tension subsiding. She then winces, holding her stomach. "I probably should go. I'm not feeling too good."

          "Maybe you shouldn't be driving," Chris stands up.

           "Chris it's fine. I'm fine it's probably nothing," kissing him softly.

            "Kendall I insist," walking to the door with her. "Well make sure you text me when you get home."

            "Of course," Kendall nods. "I'll see you soon," heading to her car. When she walks to the car, a wincing pain shoots through her. "Chris I think I need to go to the hospital," Kendall screams holding her belly.

          Closing the door and rushing down the steps to Kendall's side he helps her to the passenger side, "come on," he says getting her to sit down. He shuts the door and runs to the driver side and flooring Kendall's car to the hospital.

          "What's wrong? What's hurting?" Chris asks concerned as he slides his hand on her belly.

           "I don't know," she whimpers, "It just really hurts. It's like shooting pains like the baby is coming, but she's not," gripping Chris's hand.

          Chris continues to speed toward the hospital, "I'm gonna get you there."

           They pull up to the hospital emergency room entrance approximately eight minutes later. He gets out and rushes to her side helping her out as the ER nurses help also getting her in a wheelchair, wheeling her inside—Chris standing in the waiting room, nervous as hell.

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