Chapter 71: Clingy Big Sister

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          After another night in the hospital, they get home. "God I'm exhausted," Kendall sighs, sitting on the couch and preparing to feed him. Addison cuddles up next to her, not letting Logan out of her sight. "You're a good big sister."

          "What's he doing?" Addison giggles.

          "I'm feeding him. This is how he eats. I did the same to you when you were a baby," Kendall smiles.

          "Alright cutie, it's time for bed," Chris smiles.

          "I want to stay with you and mommy. I miss you," Addison pouts.

           "You're already thirty minutes past your bedtime," Chris winks at her.

          "I'm not tired."

          "I think Chris is right babe."

          "Come on," Chris picks her up. "Tell mommy and Logan goodnight."

          Coming down the stairs a few minutes later, Chris sits back on the couch. "She asleep?" Kendall asks.

          "Yep," Chris nods.

          "For having an asshole dad, he is perfect," Kendall smiles.

           "He is a good looking little guy, must get that from his mother."

          "I hope so. I hope he doesn't have a single hair of his father in him. I think this little guy is knocked out for the night too."

          Chris smiles, watching Kendall with her son. "Addison is in love with him," Chris grins.

          "Oh I know," Kendall smiles at Chris. "You should have seen her a couple of nights ago when you weren't with us. It took me forever to get her to go to sleep."

           "She's definitely in love."

           "How many people do you have tomorrow?" Kendall asks.

           "Full day," Chris nods, leaning his head back on the couch. "I'm gonna have a full day for a couple of months at least."

          "How come?"

          "How come?" Chris smirks. "Because I have been pretty busy here lately with you," he winks.

           Kendall shakes her head, laughing. "I'm gonna go lay him down in his crib," Kendall says getting up, making her way down the hall.

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