Chapter 52: Prepping For Vacation

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           Sarah drops her back off at the house a couple of hours later as Kendall walks in and up the stairs—looking around for Chris. She walks into the baby room where she left Chris hours ago, everything boxed up, Chris asleep on the chair. Looking around, she hates that she told him to pack up as she blinks back tears. Kendall walks in, not wanting to wake him, sitting on the floor beside him and resting her head against his leg.

          Chris stirs a little, opening his eyes as he sees Kendall sitting there. "Hey," he says softly.

           "Hi," a soft smile on her lips. "Thanks for packing everything up."

            Stretching, Kendall gets up also and wraps her arms around Chris. "Yep," he says softly, kissing the top of her head.

            "I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you do that, and I'm sorry for everything I said earlier," Kendall sighs, gripping his shirt.

            "It's okay."

           "No, it's not Chris."

           Chris sighs, "What did you and Sarah do?"

           "Nothing much. We talked about you mostly. We just got some fresh air. It was nice to get out."

           "Kendall I love you, and I know what we are going through sucks, but we have each other to lift up the other when we need it. I try, I really do, but sometimes I'm afraid to say anything because I'm not sure how you'll react. It's a lose-lose for me."

            "Chris I know. I hate that I've been doing this to you. I don't want you to hold anything back from me, please. I'm so thankful for you, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

            Kissing her softly as he leads her to the bedroom, softly laying her down on the bed. Chris kisses her a little harder, just wanting to be closer to her since they haven't been for the past couple of days. He plants soft kisses along her shoulder, leaving trails of kisses down her body as he slowly lifts up her shirt, planting a few kisses.

           Kendall tenses up.

           "Kendall relax please," Chris sighs.

           "I'm trying," she whispers.

            He softly kisses her stomach one more time and pulls away, "sorry."

            "Don't be sorry," Kendall sighs trying to put Chris's arms back around her. "You didn't have to stop I would have been okay," hating that she ruined the mood.

            "No, you wouldn't of. I know you're uncomfortable," Chris sighs sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

           "But I was trying to not be for you Chris, I'm sorry."

           "I can just feel it with your body language. You're different."

            "I know I ruined it. I tried to stop myself from tensing up. Are we really going to get past this?"

           "I hope so."

           "Me too," Kendall nods, barely audible.

           "Do you need anything?" Chris asks, kissing her forehead.

           "I just wanted you."

           "I'm right here babe. I've always been here," Chris exclaims, sliding a stand of hair behind her ear.

           "I know you are, but at the same time we are tiptoeing around one another, and it is killing me."

           "Because I'm afraid I'm gonna say the wrong thing Kendall."

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