Chapter 43: Missing Chris

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           The next morning Chris finds himself rushing around, neglecting to pack the night before for his conference. After frantically getting clothes, his files, laptop, and iPad, Kendall takes him to the airport.

          "I love you remember what I said," Chris smiles at her, standing at the terminal.

           Kendall nods kissing him one more time as he walks through the tunnel, disappearing. She dabs at her eyes and can't help but laugh at herself because Chris will only be gone a week, rolling her eyes at herself.

           A few hours later Chris is at his conference, checking into his hotel and texting Kendall letting her know he's landed.

          "Hey prego," Sarah greets Kendall, the two meeting for lunch.

           "That's all I'm feeling these days, I'm just a big belly," hugging Sarah.

           "Oh hush, you look great."

          "Thank you, how have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever I missed you!" Kendall smiles looking at her menu.

           "I've been good, how have you and Chris been?"

           "We are doing well, just getting ready for the baby. This is the happiest I've ever been."

          "You look really happy. Speaking of Chris, is he at work?"

          "He's gone to a conference for the week, some physical therapy thing, left this morning," Kendall nods.

          "I heard he's an excellent PT," Sarah smiles.

          "He really is, "a proud moment for Kendall, "my dad thinks the world of him after Chris fixed his shoulder and he has all these old ladies after him at work. I'm starting to get a bit jealous," Kendall jokes.

          "Well that's good though, he has patients who trust him and see he's good at his job."

          "You're right," Kendall smiles, "all this talk is just making me miss him more."

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