Chapter 15: Coming To

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          Chris gets home as Kelsey is waiting for him and sitting in the dining room going through some papers.

          "Hey babe," Chris greets as he walks into the dining room.

          "Hey honey how was your day?" Kelsey asks looking up.

          "It was alright, yours?"

          "It was busy but enjoyable. The office wasn't as bad as I thought," Kelsey says sitting back in her chair.

          "So you should take over."

          "Maybe I will," Kelsey shrugs.

          "Because I don't want it babe. I want to continue what I'm doing because I love my job and I'm good at it. And it's your family, not mine."

           "I know I got the picture, Chris. I know you don't want to be part of the family business or anything to do with it."

          "Thank you," Chris says softly.

          "I think I'm looking forward to getting involved with the company," Kelsey smiles—a complete turnaround from yesterday.

           "Good, I think you'll be great at it."

           "I lost track of time, do you want to go out or should I whip up something quick up for us," Kelsey asks.

          "Um, we can go out. We need to go to the store before anything."

          "Okay sounds good," getting up. "What do we need at the store?"

          "Like groceries," Chris laughs.

         "Sorry I'm kinda scatterbrained after today, but you're right," she smiles kissing him and getting into the car.

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