Chapter 61: Always Helping

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         Looking at all the baby furniture, the three walk around. Addison liking everything. "What do you think Chris?" picking out a couple things.

          "I think your color scheme is great," Chris nods, looking at all the blue and gray stuff.

          "Good, because I'm not used to decorating boy's rooms," Kendall smiles. Addison resting her head on Chris's shoulder. "You know what I'm most scared about having a little boy is? The fact he isn't going to have a male figure around. I can only do so much."

           Chris swallows hard. "Kendall, I want to buy this stuff for you."

          "Chris, no you don't have to. I can buy it," Kendall grabs for her purse.

          "Kendall I want to. Think of it as a baby gift," Chris smiles, pulling out his credit card and handing it to the store clerk.

          "Thank you so much Chris," Kendall's eyes filling with tears, "this means so much to me," wiping her eyes.

         "It's no problem," kissing her cheek. He signs the copy and takes his receipt.

          "Mommy why are you crying again?"

          "It's good tears Ads. Chris was being very nice to us."

          He smiles, paying for everything as himself and another employee carry it all out and in the car as Kendall puts a sleepy Addison in her seat.

          "You know I don't think I ever told you how sorry I was, about the way we broke up. I've been thinking about it a lot and I should have believed you and I am sorry I didn't."

           "It's okay," Chris smiles, not saying much more about it.

           "I just felt like I should apologize for it though," closing her trunk. "Well I guess I better get home so I can start putting it together. Really thank you so much Chris."

          "I can put it together," Chris offers, scratching the back of his head.

           "I'd love that but I mean if you'd like to. Are you sure you spending time with us is going to be okay with your girlfriend?"

           "Yeah she'll be cool with it. She's a nurse and she works the graveyard shift tonight. I'll tell her when she calls me on her break."

          "Okay," Kendall nods, "I just don't want it to cause something. Do you want to ride with me or follow?"

           "I can follow," Chris smiles, nodding over to his truck.

           "Just in case we get separated," Kendall smiles writing her address on his hand.

          Arriving at Kendall's house ten minutes later, she takes her daughter upstairs for a nap while Chris begins to cart stuff out of her car. She lays her down, kissing her daughter's forehead and making her way downstairs—Chris walking into the house.

           "Thank you," Kendall smiles, putting her hair up in a ponytail.

           "You're welcome," taking off his jacket. "Alright, where should I start?"

           They begin to put together the furniture, more Chris then Kendall as she's setting up the baby's room. Not awkward at all, they are having fun talking and teasing each other almost like old times. Kendall sneaks little peeks at Chris working but making sure he doesn't think that she's thinking it's more.

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