Chapter 8: Talk Over Beers

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          Walking into the local sports bar, Kendall and Chris get a table by the window, Chris looking at his phone before setting it face down.

         "I have you all to myself? No interruptions?" Kendall teases.

          "Yes ma'am," chuckling as he looks down at the menu.

          "Hey, it's not my fault when you get in trouble."

          "Oh, what's that supposed to mean?" Chris winks as the waitress takes their orders.

          "You're right my bad. I must have your girlfriend confused with someone else," Kendall smiles. "Anyway I'm glad we get to hang out, I think this is like our first legal beer together instead of sneaking them from our parents."

          "Yeah sounds about right but yeah I'm glad we are doing this too."

          "It's weird being back actually. I had lunch with my mom yesterday, and all she wanted to talk about was you," Kendall says.

          "Oh really?" Chris laughs. "I freaking love your mom. How's she doing?"

          "She's doing good. I remember you spent more time at my house then I did. She went on and on about some miracle doctor who healed my dad and how great he is and so on."

          "He was a fun patient," Chris winks, sipping on his Miller Lite.

         "I'm sure," Kendall laughs. "As long as you guys didn't talk about me we are good," she teases.

          "Doctor-patient secrecy," winking at her.

          "Um, what happened to best friends not holding anything back?"

         "Uh, your dad told me not to," a big smile on Chris's face.

          "That is a bit unfair," glaring at Chris. "So I just found out my new office I'm starting at tomorrow is a block away from your office."

          "Well, we are going to have to get lunch together then," finishing off his beer.

          "Maybe we will, another one?" Kendall asks nodding to his empty bottle.

         "If you're paying," Chris winks.

          "That's not happening again," Kendall shakes her head, ordering two more beers. "Are you going to Alex's birthday this weekend? He said you might not because Kelsey has some plans?"

          "I don't know what Kelsey has planned that's news to me, but yeah I'll be there," Chris says, the waitress setting their food down. The pair begins to eat.

          Kendall laughs, "Yeah until she tells you that you're going to some marketing function," teasing.

         "That's another thing," Chris rolls his eyes. "She expects me to quit my job now and work for her dad."

         Kendall pauses mid-sip, "Do you want to do marketing?"

          "I'm not doing it. I love what I am doing now and besides my degrees don't go towards marketing."

          "Obviously you spent forever in school for that field why would you give it up? Have you told her no?" Kendall asks. 

          "Hell yes, plenty of times."

          "Well, she will have to get over it then because I don't see you being the best at the company, no offense," Kendall teases.

          "No offense taken because I feel the same way."

         "Well, when her old man dies off, you and her will get the agency, so I guess she is partly right though."

          "Then she needs to run it. It's her dad not mine," Chris shrugs his shoulders, "but that girl has never worked a day in her life. Daddy has always paid for everything."

          "Trust me I know Chris. She used to rub that in everyone's face, but you saw something in her to look past that."

         "Kendall," Chris sighs and leaning back into the chair.

         "No, Chris I'm not trying to insinuate anything," Kendall says shaking her head. "I'm trying to talk about your relationship and why you love her."

          Chris swallows hard, "Because she is a genuinely nice person. Past all that shit and whatnot she's a good person. She has her moments, but she means well."

         "You know I'm sure you're right despite our differences she probably is, but I just don't see it."

          Chris smiles a little, "And I don't expect you too."

         Kendall picks up the check and pays, "Thanks for not letting it come between us."

          "Did you walk to the park or drive?" Chris asks standing up.

          "I was mid-run when I saw you guys," walking out. "I guess I'll see you later this week?"

          "I'll walk you home," Chris smiles sliding his hands in his pockets.

          "Are you sure?" a surprised look on his face. "I'm sure you have a thousand texts," walking back to Kendall's home.

          "I think she'll be okay," Chris winks.

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